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I Do Not Get Why Sexual Women Are Judged

I think men are scared of getting what they want.
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helenS · 36-40, F
... judged perhaps by those whose penises are a bit on the small side? 🤭
ArtieKat · M
@helenS Sounds likely!
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@helenS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
DRtist102 · 31-35, M
I totally agree. I wish sex in general wasn’t so judged and criticized in certain ways. It’s like 9/10 will admit that it’s the greatest thing ever in so many ways but then they see other people that aren’t afraid of displaying certain things publicly and then immediately label those people as like freaks or weirdos or whatever. I firmly believe in letting people be who they truly are and not shaming others just because they look at things differently than you do.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
It is all part of the hypocritical attitude towards sex of our society and most religions. We want to set the bar high for the "purity" and "devotion" we envision for the mothers of our children, as if they have no sexual desires like the rest of us. So then those women who are brazen enough to flaunt those rules be open about their sexuality, or even worse capitalize on them to advance themselves, are demeaned. And frequently more so by other women than men.
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Sweet517 · 51-55, F
Some Men judge sexual women because they follow a logic that if they do not have to investveffort in getting a woman into bed, she isn’t of much value. Also, they may think if she was so easy to catch, who else might she be sleeping with. It’s the old Madonna/ whore issue. Once in a relationship, this changes. Sadly, I know many guys who married Madonnas and now whine that their wives are frigid. Thankfully not everyone embraces this set of beliefs
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@Sweet517 yes I agree with you. I also think that when a woman is in the mood doesn't mean that she is that way all the time. She is human.
enjoyingitnow · 61-69, M
@Sweet517 now that is karma
AurelieWilliams · 80-89, M
I don't judge them, I rate them, and the sexual ones get the highest rating! 🥰
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@AurelieWilliams sounds like it could be fun being rated.
AurelieWilliams · 80-89, M
@fddlpej It is! And in case of a tie, I have a fantastic play-off system that's way better than any of the major sports leagues. For one thing, kneeling isn't frowned on, it's encouraged!
AurelieWilliams · 80-89, M
I don't get why anyone is judged no matter the gender or activity, sexual or otherwise. The Bible has some pretty explicit instructions about judgement.
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@AurelieWilliams yes but I think society judges women more quickly and harshly than they do with men and young men. How often did you hear about a girl in your class that might have put out a little and been called a whore or said they wouldn't fuck her because she probably had the clap but the same thing happened to a guy and everyone considered him lucky or a stud.
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fddlpej · 61-69, M
@SW-User yes we do and we enjoy it.
4185philip · 70-79, M
@SW-User do you enjoy her getting pleasure from other men
4185philip · 70-79, M
Not all men. I certainly am not scared. I love it.
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@4185philip I am glad that you are not that way
Anopenheart · 51-55, M
i sure don't judge my wife.. she is amazing
Myocite · F
I know you're correct.
zorroo · 61-69, M
Sexual women should be appreciated they are rare.
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ElRengo · 70-79, M
As a man I respect, admire and praise the women that own and enjoy their sexuality.
Shame on the ones that judge them.
enjoyingitnow · 61-69, M
When they are judged by men I think it’s because they are getting more sex then the men who are judging them. When they are judged by women I think it’s because they are getting more sex then the women judging them. Of yea one more thing men on the average so too much of their thinking with their smaller head
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Davis36 · 36-40, M
I was judgemental of for she been sexy.....until I got married...
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Davis36 · 36-40, M
@Greenbare When Dad caught mom was cheating him..and divorced her I thought Mom was wrong. After I got married,I found out dad was wrong..unbothered of moms emotional and sexual cravings...going on business tours and staying late night with business matters.
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@Davis36 It's funny how things look different when you get older
Davis36 · 36-40, M
Until I was married, I thought women being sexy is something weird....
Then I started loving to think, my mom been sexy and it wasn't any bad.
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helenS · 36-40, F
@tnman30 That's what we expect from any red-blooded man! 👍🏼
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Davis36 · 36-40, M
In sex woman takes the lead and man loves it..Am I right?
4185philip · 70-79, M
@Davis36 Love it when they do especially if they really know how to please a man.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I'm scared of NOT getting what I want :)
lubovont · 70-79, M
I have to admit I am more hesitant to show my sexual hunger to a woman than to a man, and I think it is because I have been with so few women who allow their sexual hunger and need——their lust——to be seen. If women were less afraid of being seen as craving and needing sex—— if they felt free to make it known how much they enjoy it, I would feel freer to be openly sexual with them. It's much easier to be who I am sexually with a man.
enjoyingitnow · 61-69, M
@lubovont that is why a man should make the woman comfortable enough to trust him to be intimate and let her hair down so to speak
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HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
@Greenbare What those women need to do is form a sisterhood (or sorority, as they call it in the USA) like we did at my old school. We stand by each other like sisters and we save all our venom for the male chauvinist pigs. We've been like that for decades now.
HumanEarth · F
I agree and I also add why men get judged when they wear womens clothing.
helenS · 36-40, F
@HumanEarth 250 tons of ginseng roots??? 😳
HumanEarth · F
@helenS I am a farmer
helenS · 36-40, F
@HumanEarth How nice! 🌷
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Scared of finding out that their macho image isn't backed by a macho reality more like.
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
Where I come from, if we are judged at all we are judged in a positive way.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I'm not the least bit scared of getting what I want :-) I just wish I could get it!
I dislike when we generalize groups of people. Maybe certain things can be true, but often just considering it a bit more might overturn our thoughts. Sure, some men might be scared of getting what they want. I think I might very well be one of those. But not all are like that. Same with women. Same with whatever term you want to put on somebody.
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@froggtongue then if they are not intimidated by them maybe they wouldn't be judging them.
AmySatinpants · 70-79, M
Sometimes it is easy to ask for what you want.
fancyboy · 61-69, M
That's very deep; hetero men are always on the hunt for sex - yet when it's readily available, the majority of them shun it!
Funopenrelationship · 36-40, M
Very true in many cases
Me either. As a woman with a high sex drive, I feel like the belief men are always horny isn't true.
Motosh72 · 51-55, M
olderCanuck · 70-79, M
because people are jealous ,,, nothing wrong with enjoying life ,,, it is ok for a guy to mess around ,, but not a woman ,,, the world has to grow up ,,,
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@olderCanuck I agree totally.
olderCanuck · 70-79, M
@fddlpej Thank you ,,,
Plz message me. I think u chat with my cuckold uncle.
enjoyingitnow · 61-69, M
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Shayama · F
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RedBaron · M
Sexual women as opposed to what other type or types of women?
Aysel · F
I don't think it's about the sexual part, moreso, wow, you just met Dave and you gave it to Dave on the first day, and didn't you do the same thing with Tony when you met him? I'm sexual, but I don't sleep with random men; I just met on the street; there's a difference. Just wrap it up before you stick it up.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Yo Sexual Woman
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@fddipej]🤔by that are you suggesting some woman they are promiscous then and drop there knickers and spread there legs at a drop of as hat lol 😆
fddlpej · 61-69, M
@smiler2012 how many men act like That and we say nothing bad about them?

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