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French teacher beheaded by Islamist for showing Mohammad cartoons in class

Honor and respect to him for teaching his students about freedom of speech.

We do not realise what kind of monsters we are allowing into our societies.
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Gusman · 61-69, M
Politicians are allowing this.
They shut down any talk of stopping immigration as Xenophobia.
All Politicians need to hang their heads in shame and own these murders.
Because they are allowing this.
Cierzo · M
@Gusman French soil, French rules and French values. Those who disagree with them must leave or be kicked out.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Cierzo Where is Charles Martel when you need him?
Gusman · 61-69, M
@Cierzo That will only happen if the people rise up, day after day after day and demand all those Politicians who voted in favour of mass immigration are removed from office.
Every last one of them, from all parties. They are the ruin of society. They should be charged with treason and stripped of all their assets and imprisoned for life.
revenant · F
They know and they do not care.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@revenant Who is they?
revenant · F
@Mugin16 politicians
novembermoon · 51-55
It’s really a horrific act of terror.
If teachers cannot even teach kids to be critical thinkers without getting killed, that society is doomed.
Platitudes about multiculturalism will not cut it any more. The French people had better wake up.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
Oh I think we do realise what monsters we have been allowing in our countries. You just get punished by the authorities if you mention that in public.
Cierzo · M
@Mugin16 Exactly like this.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Cierzo Remember the Pakistani grooming gangs in England who have been raping thousands or even tens of thousands of English girls? I have never seen one suggestion by a British public figure that the rapists should be deported or that Pakistanis should get barred from coming to the UK in order not to make such horrible acts even more likely.

Why? Because such a person would have been called racist, facist, Nazi, xenophobe and so on immediately. And most people in the West would rather have thousands of girls raped multiple times than being called racist.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@Mugin16 Which is what I have been saying for years now.
Society is gutless. Not affecting me personally? Turn and walk away. Gutless in the extreme.
Adstar · 56-60, M
The religion of peace generously gifts a french man their special type of cultural enrichment again..
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
"Following the murder of Mr Paty, several French teachers also spoke out about rising levels of Islamist extremism among their students.

One teacher from the notorious Paris suburbs of Seine-Saint-Denis claimed his class cheered footage of Pakistanis burning French flags in response to the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of Mohammed."
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Mugin16 Ironic that the vast majority of teachers in France and Sweden are leftists.. internationalists and they formed a political ""alliance"" with the muslims.. promoting mass islamic migration to help gain more voters for their political domination of their respective countries.. Now they face the reality of a new generation of devout, true muslims willing to follow the teachings of the quran to the letter..
Cierzo · M
@Adstar At some point these leftist may realise that deep inside Muslims despise them and think they are stupid and degenerate. Their loyalty is called welfare. When it lacks, it will be time for 🍿🍿.
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Cierzo · M
@msros There were many shameful 'displays of solidarity' with Muslims then. I am waiting for them on the Muslim side now.
Deserthiker · 61-69, M
The late Chris Kyle was criticized for using the word, ‘savages’. Very accurate adjective
He won’t do that again huh..
Religion is a sensitive thing.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@ABCDEF7 No, it is only Religious Zealots who demand that everyone do their bidding.
When will society stand up and say No More?
@Gusman I just said it's a sensitive thing, because when people start to believe something, they just believe. Ways to handle the issues must be sensible taking into consideration about social unrest and reactive actions. Otherwise things can go violent. It's better to handle things peacefully and strategically.
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nedkelly · 61-69, M
Yes, freedom of speech

This deranged grub who was mentally challenged by the bullshit they are taught in the mosques - time to crack down on this terrorist organisation
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Disrespect is not equal to freedom of speech lol. If the Islamists say they find it extremely offensive if someone draws caricatures of their holy figures, I don't think it's hard to respect that boundary. And if they're saying that it's punishable by beheading, why tf would you go on and do the exact thing? He's not cool or a hero. Just stupid. As stupid as those beheading him.
revenant · F
@assemblingaknob muslims exploit the status of victimhood. We are not talking about the past. We are talking about a teacher and critical thinking. The muslims students were warned and told they could go outside and not witness the lesson.
Cathedrals burned and yet nobody went to decapitate muslims
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@revenant the muslims responsible SHOULD have been decapitated!
revenant · F
@assemblingaknob I would not go that far

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