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I had enough.

I am so fed up with my husband vaping inside the house. Everytime I smell the smoke, it triggers my
migraine. I caught him before vaping in the livingroom and he promise me that he will just vape outside ( in the garden) or in the shed. I absolutely had enough. It happened again, and caught him vaping in my office room, where I do my homebased job. No wonder my chronic headache never stopped. 🥺😢
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deadgerbil · 26-30, M
I know how you feel. My grandparents smoke cigarettes and it's pretty gross. I limit my time visiting them because of it and then they'll ask me "wHerE hAvE yOu BEeN?"
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
I know the feeling. My dad used to smoke when he was alive. He died due to lungs and heart failure because of long term smoking. 😯🧐🥺@deadgerbil
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tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
He quit smoking cigarrette last year and now vaping. But the juice of this vape is very high in nicotine content. It must be the reason why it triggers my
migraine. 😳@SW-User
MrAboo · 36-40, M
Honestly smoking outside is more enjoyable with the fresh air
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
That is so true plus fresh air is awesome.
It is now bit warm here in the UK, so it's awesome being in the garden. @MrAboo
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Well, what you need to do is sit down and talk to him with communication as your only intention.
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
He said sorry and he said it was stupid.This is also what he said 6 weeks ago. 🧐I am not telling him to quit but to smoke outside. It is also very difficult to sit down and talk to him as he intentionally ignore what I say, he would do distractions like ( picking his nose, force himself to cough, force himsef to clear his throat or close his eyes or even sip his drink intentionally for him
not to listen. I want to leave. I told him that already. I can't travel though due to travel restrictions here in the UK.@MarkPaul
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@tryingtobeOK Leaving isn't an option. He's your husband. Work it out.
Spend $10,000 , and have a high output in home circulation fan installed....
He doesn't sound very considerate
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
TexChik · F
That's terrible!
TexChik · F
@tryingtobeOK he understands just fine, it seems he just doesnt care
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
@TexChik This is actually what's happening here. 😳
TexChik · F
@tryingtobeOK I know, I'm sorry.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@tryingtobeok] is there any way you canget hold of the vape and sabotage it
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
I already destroyed the vape, but he will just buy a new one. I know quitting is not easy, but he can just smoke outside. @smiler2012
smiler2012 · 61-69
@tryingtobeOK yes true you are right on both accounts there
PatKirby · M
Although vaping outside is best and probably much more enjoyable, once you destroyed his property he's likely doing it to aggravate you. Wouldn't be surprised if he's monkey-branching by now.
Chillie · 61-69, M
Throw him out with the vape
Penny · 46-50, F
that really sucks
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Throw it out the window
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
@SkeetSkeet I actually destroyed it because I was so angry. He told me to ring the doctor to ask for help regarding my migraine, but it's him smoking the bloody vape inside the house. No wonder my chronic headache has never gone away despite the fact that I finished my course of medication for six weeks.
Oh shit that's awful why the hell won't he just go outside it's not that tough
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
The weather here in the UK is bit warm now, so I don't really understand why wont he just smoke it outside. 🥺@SW-User

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