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I Have a Daughter

How To Find The Right Guy - A Conversation With My Daughter

On one of those long drive-my-15 year-old-daughter-to-basketball drives, watch her play and drive home again, we got talking about how you pick the right guy. I mean, you see women everywhere making really stupid mistakes, getting hurt to the core of their being, repeating the mistakes with another guy... you hear people talk about love like it's some mystical feeling that comes along all by itself. This is one of the few talks I ever made sure happened, because... I'm her dad, and i didn't want her hurt, wanted to give her more insight than most girls seem to have. I can't remember what i said word for word, but it was something like this:

A lot of girls end up picking the wrong guy. It must be pretty scary - like - how do you know who he really is? Because when a guy is wanting to impress you, he's on his best behaviour, right? So you're not going to know what he's really like until he doesn't think he needs to impress you any more. By then, it's a little too late. In-between, you've fallen in love, and love tends to not notice what's wrong, so even if there are warning signs, you'll probably ignore them. Seriously. You just... close your eyes and don't notice faults once you're in love. We all do. So you need to know what to look for early on, before you get too emotionally entangled.

So... how do you pick the right guy?

Well, there's one thing probably to look for more than anything else.... (drive a little bit in silence for emphasis). It's actually about ...character. I mean, there are lots of things that attract us to someone, like: looks, personality, charm, physique, (I think i said 'abs' because she was always talking about guys with 'abs'), intelligence, being funny.. and those things are great. I mean, you do have to have chemistry, right? But the chemistry, and none of these things are enough to make a relationship work in the long run. In the end, none of these things will be enough to hold your respect and love. In the end, it is the person's character you end up loving or despising. Personality isn't character - don't be fooled. A person can have a nice manner, but be selfish underneath. Personality is just the way you present yourself. Character is the kind of person you are under the surface. Honest or sneaky. Selfish or self-giving. Live by principles or take anything they can get. Self-centred or caring. Take responsibility or avoid it. Always do the right thing or always appears to do the right thing. You can't continue to love someone who is fundamentally selfish and treats you like shyte.

Ok, so how do you tell someone's character? Well, that's the tricky bit. Because when someone is trying to impress you, they are on their best behaviour, right? So they're gonna be completely charming, look like they're almost selfless, giving, kind, considerate, devoted only to you, because... they want to win you. They might even think they mean it. It's only once they have you and begin to take you for granted that their real character starts to be revealed: dishonest, unfaithful, selfish, emotionally immature, manipulative...

So if they're on their best behaviour, how can you tell their character?

You have to watch them when they aren't aware. So... watch the way they treat people who they think are unimportant. Ex-girlfriends. Watch the way they treat family members. Watch the way they treat their mother. Are they always respectful, generous, considerate, thoughtful? Are they always honest? Do they know how to admit they're wrong, even if they're only partly wrong? Then this is probably what you're going to get.

Do they can treat anyone in their life as dirt? Then they can do that to you one day. And probably will. If they lie when they think they won't get caught, then they aren't honest. They'll do it to you. You need to see past the charm, the best behaviour, those masculine good looks... because none of those things can keep your respect and love in the long run.
I wish more children had a supportive father in their lives. You're a good man
Incomplet · 18-21
@BeefySenpie My Dad's a Fantastic Father and Friend!
That's one of the best and wisest filters I've ever come across.
Your daughter's a very lucky girl to have you for a Dad. :)
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
Perfect response.
That needs to be published in all the teenage girly magazines, online blogs, and sent viral on Facebook.

But it also needs the corollary. To find a good life partner, one first needs to be a good life partner. Each of us, regardless of our circumstances, needs to develop and practice good character.

Empathy, honesty and responsibility - these are the keys.
@hartfire Ordinary people (female style) will either look for a job writing about contemporary women needing higher character to get their needs meet these days..or they will find another job (as usual) so she doesn't have time to think about it

Ordinary people will get caught up on everything and still never usual.

Ordinary losers of all types will throw their hands up at the absurdity of it all, as if anyone notices what they think.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@hartfire Agree - great relationships occur between two mature people. The idea that you can be completely self-absorbed and insensitive and that there's someone perfect for you out there isn't really much of an idea.
@Abstraction Spot on! Another of your bits of wisdom that I hope goes viral. :)
Miram · 31-35, F
And to see beyond it all, one needs time. Friend them first, see how they reacte to a no. Test their values, watch. Be smart. You are giving yourself to someone, there isn't a more legitimate reason to test them than that.

And if they still changed later on? Forgive yourself for its limitations. You can't always control what happens. Just what you do with it.
Classy · 22-25, FVIP
Thank you for posting this, you're helping me out. I've never once gotten a talk like this, and I don't think he ever will give a talk like this. Your daughter is lucky.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@Classy I was depressed during her teen years and my daughter mostly remembers the times I lost it. She mightn't agree with you. Just to give some perspective. I'm glad it's helpful. The other thing I did was - even though she was challenging - I realised i didn't need to win every battle, I wanted to win the war. THat meant, by the time she was 18 she would look in the mirror and see a beautiful woman who respects herself. When you respect yourself, you put a value on yourself that others have to reach. The people in your life know that you will never treat them badly, but you will not put up with poor treatment. They respond to that value. Women who see themselves as worthless often are treated that way. You are worth much more than that! My daughter is like that - she would rather walk away. She now has a husband who worships her.
@Abstraction I appreciate the post and sentiments attached. Took me a long time to remember this username as I was searching to save the post.
newdawnnewday · 22-25, F
Thank you for this! This was very well thought out and gave me a lot to think about. I’ve always taken note of how the people in my life have talked to me about others when we are alone. How they handle secrets or their anger. Like you said, the people they don’t like. It’s in those little moments, like you said, you know a persons true character and it can save you a lot of pain in the long run if u are aware of who you are dealing with. if i see someone telling me someone else’s secrets that they promised not to tell anyone, i take note of it and make sure to know that I can’t trust them with my secrets cause who knows what they say about me. very important observations.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Love and believe.
age and maturity also matter.
Experience matters.
Being in a relationship allows you to step out of yourself and learn about caring for others... it allows for growth and practice...this takes time.

My current partner says when he was young I would not have liked him. (He believes he is more mature and life has taught him lessons) I think he’s a perfect human being. I’m SURE I’ve matured in some ways. I’m less blind? Less blind to self and others?

But your words are awesome! And anyone who can follow them will save themselves a ggreat deal of heartache.
I don't know how to pick a good guy,don't even know if I WANT a good guy. I really wanna know how employers think, with all their paranoia about YOU, they will get good employees. I think life in general is pretty much the same.

If you wanna put on a big paranoid act you probably won't really get what you want, in fact I have a feeling that if pushed too far...KARMA itself will give the pusher exactly the thing he/she is tying reject.
@BetweenKittensandRiots I am a little reluctant to watch this...
I am listening to Chris Hedges.

I also cherish children and felt marginalized all my life cause I could never afford to bring them up well so I never had any. No man around to help me EVER change my mind.
@Elevatorpitches To put it bluntly I find the phobia around labeling to be silly to be honest no one who openly identifies with a label is looking to be defined entirely by that label. I am a lot of things identity wise and a very multifaceted person but if a label fits at times and I find it useful I will identify with that label.
@BetweenKittensandRiots My mother wouldn't go through it again if she had the choice
Coralmist · 41-45, F
I wish my dad even talked ONCE with me about guys and what I need to do for ME. NEver has told me my worth and never talked about boys or guys. I think part of my intimidation of men is from him. I get nervous I'm not enough for them. It's crippling my social life and I'm not getting younger. Your words and kindness as a loving dad really shine through, I'm sure she was happy to hear this🐞👍🌺
@Coralmist Your insecurity is part of the problem I have with Dating- I've suffered from previous crushes telling me they were concerned that they were not enough for me and been unable to break through their resistance.

It's frustrating. Like it intrudes upon territory that is not there's to decide you know?

If I want somebody it shouldn't matter.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@BetweenKittensandRiots That's something I've heard too.. who am "I" to decide what will be enough for someone? While I get that, would you present yourself to a date knowing you can't travel, you have to say no to several social things, etc? Who is truly going to see the Me inside? It seems most guys want confident adventurous women, and knowing I don't provide that, how can I even present myself at all? Is what goes through my mind🙁
novembermoon · 51-55
This is true. Personality is not the same as character. Respect has to be earned.
Very, very good.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Yep I learned this lesson in my first relationship 5 years ago. Glad I did too. Very true with watching how he treated strangers and waitresses and getting road rage with people. Took a while, but eventually all that anger and rudeness came my way.
Nobody00 · F
She will pick him, not you, and will go with her choice. You can only teach her what the right guy looks like. Since, in 98% cases girls on a subconscious level choose someone similar to their dad, without even knowing it, you really are the one who needs to set an example of the great guy Best father is the one who cares and loves her mother , treats her well and tries to make her happy. She will then look for the same, filtering out all the bad ones.
@Nobody00 My dad did all that. But I have always been alone because maybe I'm not so sure mo mom thought I was ok enough. That could do it too u know.
Nobody00 · F
@Elevatorpitches I don't know why, maybe lower self esteem wht the hell " ok enough" means? I am also alone. Just because. Don't know why
@Nobody00 My self esteem is fine

The available single people...not so

if my ex didn't have me blocked as in my first love and wasn't avoiding the shit out of me I'd tell her she was right and I am sorry...

I was just young and stupid.
Carazaa · F
Very good advice!
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@Carazaa Insights that emerged from my faith journey, to be honest.
Carazaa · F
@Abstraction Character is the so important. Integrity, honesty, and values are so important. God bless you for taking the time with your daughter. More Dads should do that.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
This is a very thought out post and cannot agree more. I've heard it said before that one of the most important things you can do the first time you go to a restaurant with someone is to watch how they treat the wait staff. This, I feel, is much along the same road
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Peppa · 31-35, F
She's lucky to have a decent father.
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Abstraction · 61-69, M
@SeekingHappiness It applies to anyone in relationship.

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