I have mixed feelings about it ...while I understand why ...at the same time who the hell can afford to walk out of a job , just like that ? Especially, if you have a family to provide for ...that's not very responsible..
I've never heard of this .. people can't just not work for a day because of WOMEN'S Day, are you serious?
@JaggedLittlePill: yes they should have the right to fire. If you work as a waiter in a high dollar restaurant and you come in out of uniform because your hair is neon pink or whatever you should be able to be fired for not following company policy that states you can't do that.
What if it a bank and the bank is forced to close for the day? Or it is the teacher or lunch staff in a school and would cause non compliance with federal regulations?
It could be. Or maybe it hired extra staff with anticipation of the new cotract and would reduce to the regular size and crew. What if without the disiplinary action others think they could do the same thing and more people decided to just walk out when they felt like it?
@Smtwn829: Arguably, if they all walked out, no workforce on that day. If you fired all of them, no workforce, period, until you hired and trained others. So how would your business be helped ?
I am not saying that I would be against rehiring them if they reapplied. You do bring up a good point. It would set a company back significantly. Either offering to hire them back or finding other qualified workers that would not require the train seems like the best option.
Please take note that I said walking out, not taking the day off. Of they took the day off in advanced there would be no issue cause I could cover the shift.
@JaggedLittlePill: your response is flawed. The question has select amount of information and you are adding more in to fit your views than responding to the question. I did not ask about people that scheduled the day off. I ask about people walking off the job.