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My favourite thing during all-hands meetings is estimating how much it costs in salaries for us all to be there.

Current record is £50,000. For one hour of utter time-wasting bollocks
When potentially dangerous work is carried out there should be a risk assessment prior to commencement of the work. I am of the opinion that meetings should be preceded by an "is this a good use of everyone's time" assessment. Can it be done online? Does everyone invited actually need to be there? Do the potential benefits justify the costs? Is this a finance meeting and, if so, will you provide energy drinks and toothpicks to keep eyelids open?
joe438 · 61-69, M
Yes, I’ve done that math as well. Our company is international and once a year there’s a company-wide meeting, with the time difference between offices, some employees have to stay late to participate so they get paid for extra hours. Thousands of people on a web meeting.

So wasteful.
You need to add in the cost of everyone standing around for an hour afterwards saying what a waste of time it was too 🙂

I think we call them “water cooler moments” these days
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
You've got the right idea.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
That's a very depressing thing to think about. In that same metric my workplace is well above that number. Thank god most people think its BS and skip those all hands meeting. One of the hidden costs of restructuring massive organizations.
Oooo I'll do this tonight
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Morvoren · F
@Jimbo1 A curious assumption make given there’s a lot you don’t know about such as the company structure, the purpose of the meeting, how the scheduling detrimentally affected KPI delivery and how the same situation has been handled since.

But sure, carry on munching on your crayons.

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