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Some times when I'm having a bad day (like today), this is the most inspirational quote I can read

What weird quotes inspire you?
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
I usually go with buckle up buttercup instead because when the day is looking bad, it's not likely over yet and the ride is just starting!
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@ShadowSister That's funny. The only way I've heard it said by others is buckle up buttercup.
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@sarabee1995 I first wondered if it's a regional difference. But after googling, I see they mean different things.

"Buckle up buttercup," means, "Get ready, something bad is about to happen."
"Suck it up buttercup," means, "Quit whining about what you're going through and deal with it."
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@ShadowSister Sounds about right.
Convivial · 26-30, F
A favourite from WC Fields... When at first you don't succeed, give it up! There's no point being a dang fool about it.
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@Convivial Probably the right answer in some situations
BarbossasSpouse · 36-40, F
If it's a good cup of coffee one cup is enough.
If it's a bad cup of coffee one cup is more than enough

-my grandpa
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@BarbossasSpouse That is SO not my philosophy. For me, one cup is never enough, good or bad. 🤣
I simp hard on my wives when I'm having a bad day.

I send them this quote.

"Who won in life? Me. Because I got to marry you all."
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M

[image/video deleted]

ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@therighttothink50 I especially like that Ayn Rand quote. I've never read The Fountainhead, but I have read Atlas Shrugged. It's a good reminder to live true to ourselves rather than trying to be people pleasers.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M

TAReturns · M
“Spartans!! What is your profession???”
300 Frank Miller
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@TAReturns I don't know that one.
TAReturns · M
@ShadowSister [media=https://youtu.be/aNa3Co83_gk]
Mikla · 61-69, F
My mom used to say that! I didn't think anyone ever heard of it. You made my day :)
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@Mikla Oh wow! I'm sure we could trace it back to some original source. Yeah, no one likes hearing it from someone else. But sometimes I need to remind myself.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I prefer, Monty Python: always look good n the bright side of life.
TexChik · F
Lostpoet · M

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