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I have so much work to do today but I can't focus 😭

Any tips?

My mind is like:
no we want to watch series 😡
No don't read that mail, you should check that unimportant thing first and keep thinking about that 😡
Oh someone sent and unimportant chat about something you can't attend? Better read it now anyway 😡
You asked your boss to call you about a decision he needs to make and he still didn't? Better think about that all the time even though it's up to him and loose focus on the things you're supposed to do 😡
IamBack · 31-35, M
My tips Kimbo since I’m in the same position

1. Ignore texts or unscheduled calls unless it’s super urgent
2. Put on some headphones with like meditation music
3. You can use your outlook to categorise your tasks, or you can write them down in exact points

Good luck 🥺
IamBack · 31-35, M
@kimmy159 haha idk, I can sense certain things about my friend 😉
kimmy159 · F
@IamBack You're not wrong ;)
IamBack · 31-35, M
@kimmy159 I know my stuff ;)
Penny · 46-50, F
make a list of things you need ot do and start crossing things off?
What I guess is that because of your boss not actively communicating with you, and not taking regular updates, yo have lost interest in your work.

Pickup a paper notebook(not software/app), start thinking about all official work you have to do, they may be lying at some corners of your mind that you occasionally recall. But these must be creating the reasons for you to be not able to concentrate, or in a way subconsciously distracting you.

Write them all. Keep adding as you recall any.

Prioritize them, if your boss can't help you in it, you have to do it by yourself.

Pickup the top task. Now you have to create the indulgence(like going crazy) by yourself, for that you can makeup your mind using few methods.
a) Recalling days when you used to work with dedication.
b) Make a plan to prove your capability in front of your boss/team.
c) Take it as a personal challenge, to overcome distraction and regain that level of concentration.
d) Think about switching job, plan it as an point to add in your CV, or just as experience/capability to mention when applying/interviewed for new job.

If you face difficulties in completing first/any task in the list, Again make a list of hurdles and their solutions, and start working on them one by one.

All the Best !!
darshak89 · 31-35, M
These types of things are very common with everybody, its human nature to go for look unimportant things first.. so just try to concentrate on thìngs what is more important for you and avoid unimportant things for doing this you must need to improve your psychology you need to start take more interest in which things are more important for you.. did you ever tried Meditation??
I don't know but for some reason I find the way you wrote everything a little funny and cute. 😅. Sorry. 😑😑😑
kimmy159 · F
@SW-User That's fine :D It's supposed to be mixed with some humor to lighten the day ;)
something like the any.do task tracker [theres a free version] and some sort of timer to use the pomodoro focus method.
Ditto what Penny said.
I keep a running list of To Do’s daily. Strike through what I knock out
Fullmetal · 46-50, M
@kimmy159 3 foot rule!! Breath, remember, how do you eat a elephant? One bite at a time!!
kimmy159 · F
@SStarfish You sound like Nike haha, but totally right, I force myself to finish the list on my agenda 😌
I know its their motto but its also true momentum 😅 @kimmy159
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
That's when I go back to bed and read or listen to radio plays on MP3 -- currently about 2 dozen BBC HERCULE POIROT adaptations.
Self discipline? lol
kimmy159 · F
@SW-User I have enough of that when I want to, just demotivated today I guess.

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