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Would anyone else get upset in this situation?

Sorry this will be a bit long.
At work safety is their #1 priority. They take it very seriously. We have accidents and injuries all the time.
Today at work (warehouse) I was pushing my cart (carts are 300 lbs empty) in the main lane of travel when someone from one of the side aisles came out and nearly hit me. I had to pull back hard to keep my cart from hitting theirs. I ended up straining my hand and shoulder. The other person failed to use the mirror dome to see me in the main path and did not announce the aisle they were leaving before exiting. They also failed to hear me announce my presence I called out when i saw them coming out of the aisle into my path. They finally stopped before we collided and pulled their cart back in. I then continued past them without looking at them. I went to a few more locations before noticing I was hurting. I then went and reported my injuries and how it happened.
Its embarrassing getting hurt at work. They do a full investigation when it happens. Sometimes like this time they do an Incident Review. I'd never been to one until then. I had to go to a meeting room with a bunch of higher ups and Safety Leads. They ask a bunch of question about every detail possible. They were trying to also figure out who the person was who had almost hit me. They ask questions to see if I was in anyway at fault. They brainstorm solutions to preventing it from happening again. I felt bad I wasnt assertive enough to identify the other person when it happened. I was nervous about being in a meeting room with all the bosses, having an injury, and still shaky from almost having another cart hit mine.
Towards the end of the meeting they brought up my record of every injury I had ever caused to myself and every little unsafe thing someone had seen me do. I overreached for an item, I asked someone if I could move two carts at the same time (I was just asking cuz I didnt know if we were allowed to), i was sitting on a step ladder (I was new and everyone was doing it), and the list went on. I tried to hold it back but tears started running down my face. Then I got embarrassed about getting emotional in front of them and the tears came faster. They had to stop the meeting and started talking about other things outside of work to change the mood I guess. I was able to get some control and we said our thank yous and I quicly went back to work.
Did I overreact? I want to be a good worker, not a problem worker.
Carissimi · F
No. They are giving you a hard time because they don’t want to pay for your injury. I mean it’s intimidating being with a bunch of higher ups who all seem to be ganging up on you, and you are alone with no support, or anyone in your corner. Regardless of your emotions, I suspect you are entitled to workers comp. Truth is your greatest ally and strength, so just say it as it happened, and don’t let them persuade you otherwise with their tactics.
morrgin · F
@Carissimi all i did was tell the truth and answered all their questions to the best of my ability
Carissimi · F
And that’s all you can do. No matter how they try and spin the truth, no matter how much they try to intimidate you, and no matter if you cry, the truth is your strength. Take heart, and confidence from this. @morrgin
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Carissimi that was WRONG of them to all "gang up" on her like that with the intention of intimidating her. i hope they felt like shit when she teared up.
robb65 · 56-60, M
I'm just thinking out loud here, but if you hadn't pulled back on your cart you may not have been hurt. The other person might have been, or maybe the carts would have been damaged, or whatever was on the carts. Most likely the other person would have been dragged into this rather than remaining unidentified and the higher ups would have had someone else to place the blame on. Right thing to do? probably not. Personally I most likely wouldn't have bothered reporting this. No one's bleeding. Theoretically you could have finished your shift without realizing you were hurt, and if things got worse "realized" it later.

This sounds like the kind of place where management likes to watch every move anyone makes. I would wonder why in this day and age why there were no cameras, Or maybe there are and management just couldn't be bothered to look into what actually happened but felt the need to question you just so they could say they did something. .Something to think about.
morrgin · F
@robb65 you are also right about reporting it. I should have sucked it up and kept working.
Sometimes pain or discomfort doesn't show up right away. @morrgin
robb65 · 56-60, M
@morrgin My wife worked in a place with cameras everywhere. Someone saw everything, except when it was to their advantage not to know what really happened.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
As an aside to how the meeting went they need to show more compassion during the questioning otherwise the next time it won't get reported. Additionally for all your previous misdemeanors it would've been fair for you to slow them down and respond to each in turn as to why you did it and also whether after having been called out for it you ever did it again. It's a shame but today you have to be ready to defend your every action.
The investigation is to help avoid future incidents, it's how protocols are established. I'm use to being the reason for them and the one writing the policies
morrgin · F
@Justafantasy they did go over the standards of what is written on procedures to see what exactly it details, if it was followed, and if something more should be added
TheotherAndy · 41-45, M
Sorry you’d gone through that
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I’m so sorry 🫂
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@DeluxedEdition and your feelings are valid regardless if anyone else would be upset in that situation or not. 🙂
morrgin · F
@DeluxedEdition thank you for saying that
Disguised · 56-60, M
Sorry this happened.... my main observation from this is..... if they took heath and safety seriously then you shouldn't be getting all the accidents...
morrgin · F
@Disguised good point
They are trying to get out of paying for your claim. You were hurt and it wasn't your fault. That's unfair of them. I hope you get compensation.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
At work safety is their #1 priority. They take it very seriously. We have accidents and injuries all the time.
If they (who are they?) take it seriously then there should not be accidents and injuries all the time.

So someone is not taking it seriously.
Brewboy35 · 46-50, M
Which company do you work for
Brewboy35 · 46-50, M
@morrgin so you work at the Sam's club dc...same place!
morrgin · F
@Brewboy35 you are still off target
Brewboy35 · 46-50, M
@morrgin that's because you work at Target
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
What sort of a facility? Amazon fulfillment centre or similar?
morrgin · F
@zonavar68 yes like that. I'm an order picker at an online order fulfillment center
REMsleep · 41-45, F
I won't say that you overreacted because you felt what you felt and you cried. Thats it. No judgment about how words and pressure affect you.

Your job seems rigid and high pressure in regards to safety. That I can understand but its the manager's circle of doom reviewing every minor "wrong" that you have ever done when you report an injury that I find horrible and counter productive. What does that prove? That you are an unsafe worker? If they felt that you were an unsafe worker then you should have been fired long ago.
Today was about what someone else did to injure you.
This job needs a culture change.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
No you didnt overreact . You did right so dont feel guilty .
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I admit I might be more than a little bit defensive in that same situation. It's not just you. Folks want to find out if I'm at fault for getting myself injured, I'm going to be a little bit unhappy about that.
morrgin · F
@LordShadowfire my Lead told me before I went to the meeting that some people feel like their questioning uncomfortable or accusing. I understood that and was ready for that. I wasnt prepared to hear a list of every mistake I'd ever made since I was and had no idea it had been reported as mark on some sort of record. Especially when in one of the incidents reported I was merely asking a question about something I didnt know if it was allowed or not. I also didnt see how it pertained to the investigation. How does reaching to high in the past connect to someone else at fault that caused my injury?

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