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Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
Those of us who are not cunning or manipulative can certainly get the shaft. It really sucks.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
My rule of thumb in this circumstance is that I will apologize for my lack of understanding and if that fails I will apologize for the delay in my comprehension. When that fails I will apologize for the lack of mutual understanding as I tender my resignation. If that fails I will collect my belongings and without notice, apologize to the person who hired me for failing to meet their expectations and depart immediately.
Life is too short to be someone's doormat.
Life is too short to be someone's doormat.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I'm sorry you experienced this. Work is hard enough as it is without this sort of nonsense going on.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@DunningKruger Ikr. So unnecessary.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Find a new job
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@HannibalMontanimal it's not a job. It's a training. I can't leave it.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Twisted 🌪️