Better get checked for an Incompetent Sapheno-femoral junction. There are treatments for it that don't require vein stripping but it's best to catch early. Do varicose veins run in your family? Having had a historectomy may affect your hormone levels so that the vein walls are weakened.The decrease of estrogen and progesterone affects more than just sexual organs and function. One condition of menopause is related to vascular health and cardiovascular disease. As a result, menopause and varicose veins many times go hand in hand.
Estrogen and progesterone have a beneficial effect on veins and arteries at moderate levels. These hormones keep blood vessels flexible. When the vein can relax and expand as needed, there is decreased stress from blood flow changes. Without these hormones, veins can become brittle and weak. Brittle veins don’t function correctly, causing blood to pool and collect, causing further damage. As of 2019, around 31% of menopausal women have varicose vein formations.
It is important to note that higher estrogen levels also produce varicose veins from weakened vein valves.