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MagesMax · 22-25, M

If you're at work, your phone shouldn't be in your hands... no matter how unmotivated you feel.
@SW-User I agree. They don't pay you do play on your phone.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
Under almost any circumstances I'd say no, unless it's a job when you're working commission like I used to for CMS in which case yes, because your manager is the one who tells you when you get a call. You don't find that out until he lets you know.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@SW-User Well, then again, I can't even really say that either because when I worked at CMS even when I didn't have a call, there was still shit to do, like garage work, mechanical upkeep, or cleaning the ever-disorganized tool room. So even if my manager hadn't told me I'd gotten a call, I'd still be doing something and not just playing on my phone.
@BlueMetalChick Yes. There is always stuff to do. We are really, really lucky where I work. We have checks we have to perform every 15 mins, but as long as the other work is done, we can use our laptops and/or watch TV. Even still, some people STILL don't do the small amount of work they are required to do.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
I think it's my fault.
BTW I am the manager.
@YMITheWayIM How is it your fault? Aren't THEY responsible for their actions? Or do you mean it's your responsibility to speak to them about it?
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
@SW-User Yes as a manager.
@YMITheWayIM I agree with that. It is definitely your job to address it.
most of the time
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
@SW-User I dont think so, if you have a job you have to take responsibility and not reply on a manager to keep an eye on you
@Bushmanoz THANK YOU! It's what separates ADULTS from CHILDREN who need constant "motivation" and "coddling" in order to complete tasks.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@SW-User @SW-User he’s probably joking
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@SW-User But you certainly DID on my last post.
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Celt43 · 46-50, M
It is I'm my case as I am the manager 😩
@Celt43 If you had an employee who played on their phone all day, and you had spoken to them nearly every time they work about getting off their phone, and doing their job, what would you do?
Celt43 · 46-50, M
@SW-User I'd have to give them an official warning and tell them there jobs at risk
@Celt43 Exactly!
revenant · F
nowadays most bosses do not dare tell them off it seems
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
I am the manager lol, and I promote it 😉
@Mindful No. Some idiot here on SW is telling me it's my job to motivate him. Now the dude is ASLEEP on his desk. This is AFTER I just told him to wake up and do his bed checks. I give up.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@SW-User ummm he needs to be referred to a counselor. And maybe you do need to spend time trying to understand him. Yes you are correct. He should be working. Yet he isn’t. Something isn’t right in his life. Sometimes we need to figure out what that is, before we just kick them out the door. I’ve had to fire a couple of people. But I made sure and tried to understand them and see if I could help them. Ultimately people who are lost need the outcome of reality before they can get things straight.
I think gaming is the new gambling addiction. People think it’s completely harmless but that’s not true. You can at least tell him he has an addiction that is interfering g with his job and he needs to find help.

I’m not I. Your shoes and in a way have no right to give you advice. So forgive me if I’m waaaay off.
@SW-User Take a pic of him sleeping and report to people above you.
Make sure you try to wake him up.
They may ask if you did that.
one place where I worked if a person fell asleep there was a number you were supposed to call if you could not wake them up not sure what you guys have in place there.
Is there a locker where he could keep his phone?
Management comes with a lot of headaches, I suppose.

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