4meAndyou · F
I used to work for a homeless shelter, and we were always underfunded. I think the realization that you will either work for state funded facilities with no budget, or that you will be serving a mostly lower income clientele is a choice you must have made when you selected this field. If there were high paying jobs in your field they would be snapped up by insiders. What you could do is go back to school and get your masters in psychology.
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RedHotCrazyPerson · 36-40, F
yeah that’s true. I just don’t know what career would work better for me I guess :/
4meAndyou · F
@RedHotCrazyPerson My former sister-in-law was a nurse and burned out to a crisp, so she took some courses in Hospital administration, and now she makes the big bucks...LOL!!! She is still helping people, but she doesn't have to deal with all the mess directly.
RedHotCrazyPerson · 36-40, F
@4meAndyou hmm good thought. I could get my MSW and a dual degree in Public Administration. I’ve been thinking about that
abe182 · 46-50, M
Because where the money is coming from, is why.
RedHotCrazyPerson · 36-40, F
what’s your masters degree in if you don’t mind me asking??
abe182 · 46-50, M
@RedHotCrazyPerson vocational education
RedHotCrazyPerson · 36-40, F
@abe182 hmm interesting
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
The problem with social work is that there is a very limited number of jobs available for it.......other than being a social worker
RedHotCrazyPerson · 36-40, F
@JarJarBoom I’m not sure I agree with that- I could work in mental health facilities, case management for agencies etc. the bigger problem is they don’t want to pay you what you’re worth. That and you have to be careful not to get connected to a crappy agency that is poorly managed.
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RedHotCrazyPerson · 36-40, F
@AMERICA1ST yeah I get that. I’m just asking for decent. I got a job offer for something that paid $3 an hour less than what I do now. I had to decline. I’m just asking for a little less stress and decent pay.
Chickie · F
I heard that it's a very low paying job
RedHotCrazyPerson · 36-40, F
@Chickie it can be yeah, but with experience and looking you can find decent wages. I also live in a bigger city so that helps