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When you get no presents for anyone at work and a colleague gives you this......

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Just thought people would like to see the interior- before thinking of this I may have had a couple 🤭

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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Christmas gift giving at work is such a nonsense.
Especially at the moment when folk are struggling just to keep their heads above water with ordinary bills.
I got into work today to find a pile of cards on my desk and two wrapped presents.

Bare in mind i have been the ONLY full-time employee for almost NINE months now.
I can go two or three DAYS and not SEE another soul connected to this company !
Pretty much EVERY communication is either via email or phone or Skype.

I have day to day physical contact with clients and their families as well as working in the office early a:m.
And now I receive this kinda thing and folk want to know why I'm not full of the seasons joy.
@Picklebobble2 That sucks, I enjoy contact with others.

Yeah for cards and gifts Mr. Mastercard has to come in handy 😅
WandererTony · 56-60, M
It is nice to be surprised. And it is in the spirit of things to reciprocate. Money will happen. It always does. 🤗
I don't like the expectation of it all ...it's unnecessarily stressful ...saying that i do still do give gifts to some co workers ...ugh
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Yeah I got sucked into that trap. A few people got me something, so I felt obligated to buy everyone in my office something. Now I'm barely gonna make it til next paycheck.
@DearAmbellina2113 Yup my biggest financial fear is not being able to make the rent so... credit card.

You guys summed it up pretty well in this song 😅

smiler2012 · 61-69
@BritishFailedAesthetic 😆i suppose it is the thought that counts but it intrigues me how he come too get them in the first place lol you may spend christmas behind bars for handling stolen good 😆lol
@smiler2012 In my mugshot, shall I wear a BFA Tshirt so you can know it's me?

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