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Any help with period pain?

I’m currently 17 turning 18 in a few months, I’ve been experiencing period pain/cramps ever since i was 11. Every month the pain gets worse. That could be because i possibly forget how bad the pain is when im off my period 🤷🏻‍♀. Anyway, every month my period lasts for 8 days which i think is normal but the cramps drag on for 4/5 days. The pain sometimes gets really bad to the point i faint. It’s become normal now for me that i throw up every period but it stops me from eating out of the fear of throwing it all up again. I’ve contacted the GP countless times, I know there are more serious problems people have and the NHS is currently understaffed but all i get is a phone call appointment and get told the same thing “take paracetamol”. Even those don’t work anymore. Has anyone got any ways to relieve period cramps, I’d really appreciate the advice, i cannot go through this for the rest of my life until menopause 🙁 and i also cant go on the pill either
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BlueVeins · 22-25
If your GP is a guy, might try to get a GP that's a lady. A lot of male doctors are awful about properly screening for reproductive health problems.
Umile · 41-45, F
@BlueVeins Maybe cause they don't experience it. Nmh.
Clearly I can’t diagnose you, but I can share.

I had a similar experience, beginning with my first period at 16. My cycles were wildly erratic…nothing for six months, then two months straight. And pain.

This was 57 years ago, so I think progress must have occurred. It took a surprise ‘pregnancy’ to discover the issue. During the 5th monthly checkup, I was told, “You’re not having a baby. You’re having an operation.”

For polycystic ovaries. Also present, endometriosis.

I did have a healthy baby girl later and at 34 had a hysterectomy (this was during the surgical era known as “rip out all organs she’s not currently using and let God sort ‘em out.”)

I was told by at least two doctors that women were “so hysterical about their perfectly normal physical pain.”

If I had it to do again and knew what I now know, I’d have delivered a sharp powerful kick to each’s gonads, to see how hysterical THEY got. You know, medical science.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
You could try to get a 2nd opinion?

Also why is your avatar glowing lol
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@VanillaMoon I understand it's probably the last thing you want, people questioning and prodding you when you feel ill but it might be worth it.
VanillaMoon · 16-17, F
@Matt85 i got an ultrasound appointment scheduled!!
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@VanillaMoon awesome, good luck 🙏
exexec · 70-79, C
Find another doctor. My wife had similar period pain issues when she was in her teens, and it took prescription hormone meds to solve the problem.
Ibuprofen works better, it may not be the safest drug, but as far as periods are concerned, it works.
Penny · 46-50, F
hot bath can help with cramping
VanillaMoon · 16-17, F
@Penny ive tried that before and i have quite heavy periods up until the 3rd/ 4th day, i’ll just say that the water changed colours lol
Penny · 46-50, F
@VanillaMoon put bubbles in you cant see it lol
Penny · 46-50, F
@VanillaMoon or you can use a heating pad

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