GigantomastiaGirl I have the same thing happened to me and I don’t know how to feel about them I like them but they have been growing really rapidly for the last 3 months they have outgrown 2 custom made bras.
I love them they always have grown slowly 3 to six cups a year but after I got them reduced To F cup but soon after they grew back to really fast to their previous size took only 2 months and 2 weeks.
they where at least 2 times the size of my head. But they seem to have calm down for 6 but at least 2 to3 cups bigger than before the operation.
And 7 months after the operation. They have started to grow again. It’s stating to worry me because they have been slowly accelerating and during the second month I gained 1.4 cm around my bust. During This month I have gained 1.6 cm...
But hey bigger is better right?
I fell sorry for you if you but, here a trick for you to make your life easier.
Learn to love them over time at first it’s sounds weird but you eventually get like the them for what they are And do. Heck, I even given them a name.
But it worked a bit to well and now I am obsessed and curious about them that if they would start to outgrew a bra every week and eventually make impossible for me to go through a door frame without having touching the side of a door in 2 to 3 years I wouldn’t mind it and be like:
good lord girls! You’re working really hard jeez!
Keep it up ! Let’s see how much bigger you girls can get!
It’s a double edged sword it can maybe make accepting yourself and life easier but can probably corrupt if you listen yourself to much and if you where to tell me when I was 14, would say that you where either joking or making fun of me.-.