Action item - drink the kool-aid
FYI, let’s circle back and touch base at the end of the day to ensure we’re on the same page. Let’s think outside the box, get all ducks in a row and capture those low-hanging fruits. We can hop on a call or ping each other to ensure it’s a win-win for all and deliver above and beyond.
Keep me in the loop cause it’s on my radar. We need to do a deep dive, break down silos, and bring it to the table even though it’s above our pay grades.
Setup a touch point to run the numbers and go over the slide deck. We can’t punt this anymore and have to put a hard stop to it. We need to move the needle and go the extra mile.
Keep me in the loop cause it’s on my radar. We need to do a deep dive, break down silos, and bring it to the table even though it’s above our pay grades.
Setup a touch point to run the numbers and go over the slide deck. We can’t punt this anymore and have to put a hard stop to it. We need to move the needle and go the extra mile.