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I Am Trying to Lose Weight

Well Wednesday 10am I will be having weight loss surgery. ( gastric sleeve ) I'm so scared, I've never had surgery before so I'm freaking out
Bikerman051 · 56-60, M
starry kiss, ah yeah it does. they cut out 85% of your stomach and staple it closed. your stomach produces hormones grehlin and leptin which make you hungry, you lose a lot of that. you eat smaller. to that end, you can stretch your stomach back, you still need to eat smaller meals and watch what you eat. It works. Only procedure know to reverse diabetes. I was borderline pre diabetic. Not anymore. The best thing is you can still eat a small amount of what you liked before and be satisfied. I east a one kids burger at Wendy's or Burger king once in while.
Bikerman051 · 56-60, M
I did it jan 5th...a year ago last spring I was 438 I used my fitnesspalapp and got down to 417 and that was my weight day of the surgery I am hovering around 341. by the end of the year i expect to be about 300 250 is my final goal. I am big beefy guy so that works for me. blood pressure normal I am still losing weight slowly. I have a fitbit, I am under 1500 calories a day. My biggest enemy is diet soda. best thing I ever did. recovery time was fast. I still drink EAS protein shakes I buy 2 cases at a time 15 grams 100 calories I do eat a slice or two of pizza, no crust, not so much bread. a meal can last me 3 days cheese sticks. eggs..a few pieces of mini chocolate candy sometimes at night. I try to eat every 2 hours. 4 ounce piece of steak. you find what works for you. get a lot of compliments, more energy. new clothes. you will be fine the first few months suck because your limited on food, but as long as your still losing. good luck keep me posted feel free to ask any questions.
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
Good luck you'll be fine
( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )
Feranne · 46-50, F
My friend just had a weight loss surgery as well. She was. Scared too. She had half of her stomach removed. She is doing well. Keep the faith that all will work out.
You will be better off after the surgery... focus on that.
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Serenitree · F
You are far too young to have that done. If you find a surgeon who is willing to do that to a child of 13, run away. That isn't a surgeon who cares about the person, but just wants the money.
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Serenitree · F
@SunnyDays: right. Well, I don't really understand the bmi index, but I actually meant any surgeon who would do it as cosmetic surgery on a child. If your weight is actually a danger to your health, perhaps it can be legitimate to decide it needs doing. But I'd like to see a kid get into swimming or cycling for weight loss. Even if you eat exactly the same as you do right now, an hour a day of swimming or bicycling will make a difference. As long as you don't eat a lot more, to compensate for the extra calories you're burning, you will lose fat. At first, you would lose weight, but eventually you wouldn't see it on a scale so much, because you'd be losing fat but gaining muscle, which weighs more but is smaller. My recommendation at that point is to stop getting on a scale, and start looking at how your fat clothes fit your new body.

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