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Torcon 7! area

Crazy storms all day probably several tornadoes around 2 in hail .We have a strong storm cellar ,expecting large power outages already had 3 in of rain .
kodiac · 22-25, M
All clear thanks for checking on me !
icedsky · 51-55, M
Be safe out there, Kodi. A huge storm system is moving across the states. Especially in the northeast areas. Sending you love.
kodiac · 22-25, M
We are in state of emergency, tornados all around but so far not here ..But some of the tstorms have 90 mph wind!! Running on a generator power off everywhere. Going to be a long night
@kodiac check in when you can xx be safe Kodi
@kodiac You will be safe inside, Kodi, all of you. Just be patient. In the morning you will be safe again. Yes, a long night.
4meAndyou · F
Be sure to shelter in the storm cellar where nothing can fall on you!
4meAndyou · F
@4meAndyou And remember to update us as to whether or not you make it through safely.
Update, please, Kodi. Check in. Lots of clean up to do.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@PoetryNEmotion All good the bad storms split around us ! Tornados on both sides all we got was mild lightning and 4 inches of rain . Will be out cutting up down trees ,works out good we help clean.up and get truckloads of wood to sell .
@kodiac I knew you would be okay. Thanks for checking in. Be safe, Kodi.
Shadyglow · F

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