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Why are the rich neighboring Arab countries not taking innocent civilians to safety from Gaza?

Qatar has been investing billions in this war , yet they are not willing to take children and women to safety from Gaza, and let them get burnt alive by Israel, it pisses me off when I see children being torn into peices, this is not normal to happen in this day and age!!! How can people allow this to happen???? If this happened in Ukraine there would have been an outrage!!! I just don't get it why people don't at least take civilians to Egypt or somewhere until these people finish they're fighting and finish the war, why should they be stuck in this doomed piece of land and die in a horrible way? This could happen to anyone if we let this happen to them what stops them from doing it to us tomorrow?? People are so racist they think Palestinians are trouble makers and that their lives don't matter that's why everyone is refusing to take them and to help them, even though it's not their fault that they were born there, it's just luck that they happen to be born in such volatile place.
Northwest · M
At a very basic level, you're right. To allow the slaughter to continue, is unconscionable.

But you're missing the entire historical context, and the reality of the situation today. For starters: no, they're not all the same religion, the same people and the same empire.

If you're referring to the Ottoman Empire, then it's not even the same language, or the same race.

If you're referring to Arabic, then do you think that all those who speak English, are the same people?

Do you believe the answer to a terrorist group, operating at the London Tower, is mass obliteration of London, and to allow the authorities to clean up the London Tower, let's move the entire population of London, to, for instance, Arkansas, until it blows over, and then years later, figure out how to bring them back to London?

The party ultimately responsible for their safety, as far as international law is concerned, is Israel. Add to that, the fact that the Israeli government, led by right wing Orthodox, has a goal of emptying out Gaza and the West Bank of its Arab residents, and turn it into part of a Jewish state, "from the river to the sea" (if you believe it's a Palestinian slogan, think again).
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Northwest what’s funny is the same folks complaining about “open borders” and asylum seekers are some of the same people who think Egypt needs to be taking in all palestinians.
Collegegirl23 · 26-30, F
@Northwest omg yes you have a point there, it makes sense why they did all this sharade
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
Arabs being racist to other Arabs? It is telling that none of the neighboring countries will take any refugees and indeed those that share a border have fortified the crossings. Wonder why?
robb65 · 56-60, M
@Collegegirl23 Jordan took them in back in the 60's and they tried to kill the King. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September ) and to some degree they were involved in the uprising in Egypt in 2011 with Egypt blaming Hamas for a jail break there. Then there's Hezbollah in Lebanon. Everywhere they go there's trouble.
msros · F
@robb65 True.
Collegegirl23 · 26-30, F
@robb65 I know these groups are trouble I am talking about the innocent children and women
in10RjFox · M
It's all just a scam using the opportunity to run charity drive using the photos and news report, from people around the world. They will do nothing to stop the war or save people. Because there will be no story or news to spread. And now that all charity is online with just a flick of a button, so they can make anyone donate just from their phone. There will be no report of how much was collected or how it was used.

So it is quite obvious that nobody wants to save the people. There is actually no need to take civilians anywhere. Hamas too won't let civilians go anywhere, as they thrive in the disguise of civilians. They will never entertain any peace talk, because they are terrorists. So don't waste your time, worrying about them, as you can do nothing about it.
Collegegirl23 · 26-30, F
@in10RjFox but they were just poor family
in10RjFox · M
@Collegegirl23 unfortunately the money you send never goes to them.. there is an agent collecting it.. and keep them poor... so they can get more people like you to contribute.
Collegegirl23 · 26-30, F
@in10RjFox this is really depressing
Convivial · 26-30, F
There doesn't seem to be a lot of brotherly love amongst Arabs... And that's our problem as we see them all one group but i think they're very tribal in fact
msros · F
I too have asked the same question. Someone here responded saying that they have been taken in as refugees but they have created a lot of trouble for the host countries, example Lebanon. Its a real human tragedy.
IamBack · 31-35, M
I think years of occupation has sent all Arab countries back to the dark ages 😔

As a Palestinian, I can relate ❤️‍🩹
Collegegirl23 · 26-30, F
@IamBack I am so sorry for what is happening 😭
IamBack · 31-35, M
@Collegegirl23 it’s okay, as long as the message is going out and people are picking it up then it will live on.

Thank you ❤️‍🩹
Egypt has accepted sick or premature babies with their mothers, and UAE has accommodated some too. This is all they will do as they aren't obligated to prevent deaths that Hamas and Israel are causing

Most of the hospitals in Gaza have been built by Arab or Muslim nations. If they brought all civilians out of Gaza, do you think they would be able to go back? How would it prevent future wars? It would save lives but change nothing
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
What you describe is the nature of war and the dark side of humanity's nature. It has been this way throughout history. The events are indeed horrific and tragic. If you really want to make a difference get up, put down your device and get involved. Online outrage is about as useful as praying. Not at all.
Collegegirl23 · 26-30, F
@SlaveEt unfortunately I can't do anything I have a baby to take care of.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
That's an excuse. A look through history will show activist mothers have been making a difference for generations. They got creative, worked with others and chose to do what they could instead of saying nope, can't.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
They see that they're going to have to take care of them for life
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I've been asking myself a similar question for the last few years, since we learnt of the forced assimilation of China's Uyghurs.

They are Muslims (being religious is probably one reason the Beijing government wants to wipe out their culture) but have we heard a cheep of protest from their fellow-Muslims ruling the Middle Eastern theocracies?
Puppycat23 · F
It’s a PR move. act like you care about Palestinians but don’t do anything about it and just blame Israel instead.
tenente · 100+, M
1. Arab nations fear Palestine's instability and inability to govern itself
2. Actions by PA and Hamas make partnering with Palestine a high risk and not worth the political capital
3. Helping Palestine doesn't benefit any country politically or economically. Better to just watch it play out
4. Palestine is not united, and this makes the nearby countries less likely to help them out
5. two state solution is a bad fit, creating two separate countries (like splitting the pizza) might not be possible, so arab nations are less focused on helping to make that happen

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