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Rant on current games (Long read)

I know I'll probably get a lot of blow back for this and this will be a rant on games in general as well. I'm someone who was never all that great at video games but I enjoyed many while growing up. I recently played a game that made me realize, either I'm getting old or that the current gaming developers are catering more towards serious gamers these days. I played DL2 (Dying Light 2: Stay Human) and I probably got to about 65 percent progress before I finally called it quits. I'll give my specific reasons before I go into how I feel gaming in general has changed from my perspective and why it's become less enjoyable. It's not the common reasons of having less time, more responsibilities and all that stuff, although true, mine has to do with the games itself

Reasons for disliking DL2:

1. The game feels 'grindy', as in repetitive tedious "missions" that feel more like a chore, less like an enjoyable game

2. It has such great scenery to explore but hard to do that when you have zombies especially at night that try to chase and kill you at literally every turn (this one is more debatable because I do understand this particular game is meant to be a "horror", so that kind of stuff is to be expected

3. People claimed that this game was almost too easy (maybe this is just me getting old) but I disagree. I played on easy mode and it was one of if not the hardest game I ever played. I feel this is an obvious way for people to brag, when something is hard just calling it too easy makes you look better

4. The parkour mechanics are pretty shit, had to button mash a lot of the times just to not fall to my death

5. Your average regular person who happens to game, who isn't a pro or just a serious gamer, plays story mode for the story but it's hard to find motivation to complete a mission when the character you are forced to play as continuously gets socked in the face/sucker punched in every single cut scene without fail and tries to please everyone without receiving any favors back when he has his own agenda and goals to fulfill. That makes the story less enjoyable as well.

Now a lot of these can be chalked up to "lack of skill" and I don't fully disagree with that. I do think part of why this game wasn't enjoyable was because as I said, I'm not that great gaming, never have been but in my opinion there is still a clear difference to how gaming was back in the day and I'm not talking 1994 Atari shit. I mean back when I had my PS2 for example, video games felt like a leisure, something you can kick back and enjoy where it was challenging enough to keep you engaged and immersed in the game but wasn't so grindy where it felt like am absolute chore. Most games today feel like the writing is lazy or doesn't make any sense, (because they too hard to be deep and it ends up just being sloppy) the mechanics are shit, some how the graphics have gotten even worse over time which I don't understand how that happens (with exception to certain games like RDR 2 (Red Dead Redemption 2) and a lot of modern games just feel way too grindy. Most objectives in today's games feel like a fetch fest where you're running around like an errand boy/girl for every person you encounter. It sucks the fun out of the game itself. I'm sure for pro gamers or even non pro but serious gamers are rolling their eyes right now but I used to enjoy games even as someone who wasn't very good. The easy mode today feels like the hardest difficulty of even 10 years ago. This is why I quit gaming for some time (recently got back into it but I'm more selective about what games I'll choose to play) because I wasn't enjoying them anymore. I'm sorry for the long rant. I know that's not common here, at least I don't think but I just wanted to share my thoughts about this. You don't have to agree with me. I also know that I could play less cinematic type games, but games like Minecraft or "mobile app" games like that don't intrigue me. So yeaa
Eurydicekallos · 26-30, F
I totally get that. The more AAA type developers are the worst in doing it and setting up an actually fun experience if you arent a die hard for it/want to grind. Its probably why i been moving to more single player indie style games and like city management games because feels less of a "chore" to play you could say.

Though i still am playing WoW due to the time already put into it and its grind central.
Eurydicekallos · 26-30, F
@SinlessOnslaught so like a drive by shooting? (Joking btw in case anyone takes it seriously)
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@Eurydicekallos That actually perfectly describes my whole personality.
Eurydicekallos · 26-30, F
@SinlessOnslaught i can respect the chaos
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
Yeah I get what you're saying. You're not every gamer and you may not be the best but you are part of the demographic. And games today ARE really grindy and repetitive. I think developers are focusing more on methodical crap like what a game SHOULD be and how it SHOULD play out, rather than what's FUN. They're too "textbook".
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@CriticalGamer Your opinion is probably more popular than you think.
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Mudkip · 31-35, M
I feel the same when playing games like dark souls, elden ring. I feel like the level of difficulty is set for a certain percentage of players capable of beating the game. Now don't get me wrong, I still beat them but I'm like I just wanna have fun 😅
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@CriticalGamer I guess I really never gave it a chance. And I was playing other games at the time too
CriticalGamer · 26-30, F
@Mudkip Ahh gotcha. Well the story is pretty good and it's fun. Some challenges were hard, at least for me but I got thru them and it wasn't repetitive. They didn't keep making you do the same type of tedious tasks over and over until you never wanted to play games again lol
Mudkip · 31-35, M
@CriticalGamer yeah, I know it's a good game. My brother and friends play it, but idk maybe one day I'll play it. Or at this point I'll just wait for gta6 lol
pride49 · 31-35, M
Try final fantasy. Ff13, 13-2, and lightning returns i wish theyd bring to ps4. Ff 12...they ruined it in my opinion by adding classes. Ff15 is heavy story very casual and good. Ff7 remake is really good too. Better actually. I love the leveling system of fallout 4, but the storyline is botched a bit. Having to basically delete all your progress, to go to a previous save to do the next storyline is no bueno. Gotta agree assassins creed is becoming too rehashed. Loved skyrim. Almost all multiplayer games suck in my opinion. Seriously, all these players coming in with crunked up storebought skins ruins the aesthetic. The last of us. Is a really good older story based zombie game. Kinda sad but really good. Oh yrah horizon is really good too. The battling is fun, and story is interesting.
CriticalGamer · 26-30, F
@pride49 Ehh somebody who played it told me it was on discord but maybe you're just a really avid gamer
CriticalGamer · 26-30, F
@pride49 I only played the very first or second final fantasy. I didn't like it. It wasn't grindy but it was at times confusing
pride49 · 31-35, M
@CriticalGamer i mean, not all of the final fantasy games are winners. But i really liked this one. xD cause its funny too lol
I can agree with some of this. One of the big issues I have with modern games is how they artificially increase play time by adding in seemingly endless fetch quests or or the dreaded escort missions. My roster of games has dwindled down to 4 or 6 games I loop between in my free time and the two games I play on my 3DS when I get stuck on long shifts at work. The idea that the 100+ hour, open world, survival, crafting, RPG lite is becoming the norm for anything thats now a CoD clone or hero shooter is something I try to ignore at this point.
CriticalGamer · 26-30, F
@NeighFlowers Yea most modern games today just seem like chores, game play is way too long, grindy repetitive, tedious missions only to lose in the cut scenes. It becomes pointless
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
You ever try Guildwars2? The game has everything, easy to play, easy to explore, and a huge world with lots of stories and characters. Can customize your outfit and just go explore the world. Its an online RPG that you buy once and then its free forever after, no online fees. Of course you can buy costumes and extra bags and all kinds of stuff later, so they do have a decent income from it.
Definitely worth a look.
CriticalGamer · 26-30, F
@JamesBugman I'll check it out!
DHggmu · 31-35, M
I definitely understand your point on new games. The last newly released game I enjoyed was red dead redemption 2, which is a masterpiece. Since then, any new game I play, I just can’t get into it. I’m at a point where I either revisit old games, or I look forward to remasters of older games. Something has changed with the way they are made, I can’t put my finger on what it is, but I don’t like it.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I've been finding myself having more and more trouble with new games. I used to play a lot of RPGs, so I'm kind of used to the grinding. But I also liked the slower paced strategic way of play. So many games today, including RPGs, are becoming action based reflex tests that I just can't keep up with due to having disabled hands.

Baldur's Gate 3 was great for me because it had good story, turn based play, and still felt new. It did feel rather difficult in the first chapter, but as I got through that it became much more manageable.

Red Dead 2 was amazing. It did have a lot of action, but the way Dead Eye worked really let me enjoy it despite my reflex issues.

I think game development getting more expensive have caused big developers to circle the wagons around what is popular with a core audience. If you are outside of that audience, you kind of get left in the cold. Indie games have been getting better, but many still lack that polish and wow factor.
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CriticalGamer · 26-30, F
@ViciDraco Yeah so many things come at you all at once, like being chased by zombies, while having to find something and escape while being timed lol It's like we get it, games should be some what challenging but why suck all the fun out of it? Yeah a lot of developers have been catering towards more serious/pro or pro aspiring gamers these days. What makes this really a tough pill to swallow is they're doing this to all the fun games, the games with high quality cinematics and is very "immersive." It's honestly pretty disappointing if you ask me. I've been considering indie games honestly but they don't seem as immersive or engaging as the mainstream games.

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