Been playing Halo?
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@DrSunnyTheSkeptic Yeah 😂😂
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
@BlueMetalChick Nice, I've been playing Halo 3 on the MCC not too long ago myself
Elessar · 26-30, M
Best game in the franchise if you ask me
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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
It's the opposite ma'am, bullet magnetism is to compensate controllers, because the aim input with one is no different than a keyboard or at worst a trackpad
Other way around. Bullet magnetism is ramped up if you're playing on a PC. That's why pro gamers prefer to use a mouse, because the game gives them an advantage.Tey googling the price of a GPU, even a mid-range one like the GTX 3060[
I know they're expensive. I'm not debating that they're expensive. What I'm saying is, I'd pay that price to NOT have to use a keyboard and mouse. You said that the main disadvantage of playing on PC is the money it costs. That's simply not true. If the prices were reversed, and the PC option was cheap while the controller option was expensive, I'd pay the extra money for the better choice.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@BlueMetalChick I'm pretty certain it's the other way around, but still, no point in fighting a crusade over our favourite input devices. Both computers and iirc last gen consoles allow intermixing devices that previously were an exclusive of either platform, so these days one can really choose what they want at least
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Elessar I'm gonna have to curtail this one because it's spilled over into my DM's now.
lightningblue · 26-30, M
no yours
WanderingSavage · M
Somebody is drunk
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@WanderingSavage I don't drink alcohol. This is a quote from a video game.
WanderingSavage · M
@BlueMetalChick sssshhhh never mind, just give me next weeks lottery numbers