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Do you have or like or have made up a nickname for Tesla cars? Either pro or anti..

Tesla is a pretty sour business at present now that Musk is focused on his D.O.G.E coin gubberment mandate through being buddies with Tronald Dump.

Best nickname I've heard is 'wankpanzer' for the cybertruck, but another one doing the rounds is 'swasticar' for Nazi or Apartheid car.

If you have a Telsa has the recent political events in the US made you feel less enthusiastic about the brand? if you don't have a Telsa and might have been considering one, is this changing your mind?

Or does it make you feel more emboldened to be a member of the Electric Jesus cult? 8-)

Here is the only 'wankpanzer' to come to Australia - a LHD one Telsa itself brought here to 'show off'. Note it has mirrors. But it is totally non-compliant in all other respects with ADR's (Australian Design Rules) and both QLD and NSW state motor vehicle safety regulations.

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ArishMell · 70-79, M
It's not leaving much room for anyone else to park...

I don't trust Elon musk, I don't believe in some of his ideas, I would not have a Tesla but cannot have any battery-electric car anyway; that thing looks awful and might not meet European Type Approval regulations...

... but would I give it a nickname? No. Why would I?


Are those really louvres in the side windows, or reflections in the glass of something across the road?
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
Taxi in Berlin.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Sparky Cars. Carbeque.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Nobody does slang terms better than the Aussies.

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