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How many miles can Subaru Forester last?

There's one for sale that has 130k miles on it but great condition, only one owner. Good price too.
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twiigss · M
If you're in a pinch, and you're at the car, buy it. Long term, I've heard Subaru's are difficult to fix when they start having issues. I have a relative who owns one, they take it to the dealer to get serviced. I have a 2000 Toyota Camry that is easy to service if it has issues.

If you have time, shop around some. With all the trips I had in their Subaru, I can say that it's a nice car.
Jimbo7 · M
Take it for a spin ,at least a 30 minute drive , park on the steepest incline you know . Start engine and pull away ,is the car struggling at all .If not ,shes a goodun and get quotes for insurance. Good luck .
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
Subarus are very good and can last a long time, but with any vehicle the maintenance has to have been kept up (oil changes especially). Go onto Lemon Aid car buyers guide, it will help you a lot.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Subaru was recently awarded most reliable make by consumer reports. The dealer where I recently bought mine has a Crosstrek in the showroom that had 500,000+ miles on it!
swirlie · F
If you Google "are there space aliens on earth?" Google will tell you that only humans exist on earth and extraterrestrial beings do not exist ..nor have EVER existed anywhere else in the universe, nor have ever landed on earth.

Keep in mind that Google is an American-owned search engine which is predominantly censored by the US Federal government to reflect the best interests of the USA, not the world at large.

For you to tell me to "Google it baby" when it comes to finding out about the life expectancy of a Subaru or in particular a General Motors product like an old Buick as per your previous example, where both, especially the American Buick, are capable of achieving 500,000 miles or more on the original engine and transmission without a rebuild in-between, is on par with Googling a request for the activity of space aliens who've landed on earth or who exist in the universe.

The answer is the same. Google will tell you what AI and the US Government want you to read, every time. And if you actually utilize Google as your primary search engine as a mainstay for your own personal research of various things, then you my friend are more lost in space than I've ever assumed you to be.
MethDozer · M
@swirlie Okay research it however you want.
I'm also curious what your idea of a rebuild is.
swirlie · F
There's only one definition of a re-build, Meth. I'll give you 3 guesses of what that might mean.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I had one and it was trustworthy but a rougher ride. They are higher rated as far as safety goes.
You never go wrong with the Forester, stylish and rugged. Love the sound of the flat4 engine
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
No reason a well maintained Forester shouldnt last 300,000 km. And the body is strong as well..😷
That sounds promising .. Subarus tend to be very reliable
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I’d go for that
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Coralmist · 41-45, F
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Coralmist I'd go for it.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
At 130,000 miles just how many years are you looking to get out of it? Personally I wouldn't consider it extremely reliable if you wanted to take a trip. If you are just going to the grocery store and around town for a few thousand miles a year then you are probably fine.
Get a mechanic to check it out including a compression test and fluid check.
TexChik · F
That depends on how well you maintain it and drive it.
MethDozer · M
If they been taken okay care of Subarus can last forever. They can be pricey to fix, not the worst in that regard but still. As long as they aren't abused like hell and have proper regular oil changes they should run at least 300,000
olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
what car did you buy
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
Cars will generally last about 300 thousand miles
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Muthafukajones So this could be option? It seems high to buy like that but if their engine runs well past that I'd consider it...
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
WokEZ CarZ HuNz
Getz a MuSTanGZ
@DonaldTrumpet BLowInG HeADgAsKetz
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@Thewhazzupdude BLowinG HeADz, OnLY fRoM HiGHz QualTiTTY HoEZ

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