Lordy, My father wouldn't allow me to get my license until I could do basics. Please never drive anywhere that you can't get cell service. There are so many predators in this world. I hate to think of you being out and nit being able to reach hubby or roadside assistance and some creep coming by first. Ask hubby for a jump box that has the instructions printed on the side (easy to use) and maybe a basics auto class. Many tech schools offer them for free or low cost even. I know you have been blessed with a great delearship, a hubby, and others but I worry that you won't always have access to the positive. I am pretty high maintenance myself but I can pump gas, change tires, and jump a car off. ( I have helped several elderly folks knowing the last thing.) I carry kitty litter in my trunk and water, along with heat blankets just in case I need them or other, especially female, motorists need them. Men will often help us but look at us as weak because they have to do basic things. When you add that to a predator's psyche it can be deadly. Please be sure you stay in areas where you will be able to get help and at least watch you tube videos on changing tires etc. I say this with nothing but love in my heart. I will worry so much. Heck I will even come teach you if you want. I just have to make sure it is not freezing because the cold tears up my lung.