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Today I spoke up against my gmaw for the first time

My car got crashed yesterday, and my sis has offered me to buy her car at a very low price.
I told my gmaw this,and her answer was "You can't buy that! It's impossible for me to get in and out of! You need to look for something better"

I told her I can't base my life on her needs, and whenever I need to take her to an appointment I can always use her car.
Also,my options are to get a good car for way less than what it's worth (sis' car) or find one that's basically shit bc I can't afford to spend a lot.

I feel proud of myself for actually speaking my mind for once, and she seemed to understand how selfish her response had been and agreed with me.
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smiler2012 · 61-69
good for you for speaking out maybe the the logistic are wrong. but yet again her me first and selfishness comes first too her .float this idea too her if she wants you too buy a car that is suitable too take her too her appointments let her put her money where her mouth is towards it [mrsbarbossa]
@smiler2012 to be fair,she did lend me the money to buy the crashed car 3 years ago. I never got around to pay her back (other debt had priority) and a couple of days ago she told me not to worry about it bc I've helped her so much on a weekly basis the last 2,5 years.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@SW-User that is what family is all about too go that extra mile too help each other out
@smiler2012 absolutely
Whyme · 46-50, M
There ya go you gramma bully you
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Sometimes, people don't realize how selfish they're being until you pointed out. She loves you and wants you to be happy, but she was caught up in her own wants and needs. Good job.
@LordShadowfire Thank you ☺️

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