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I Need a Mind Vacation


... still considering Vegas
Sunshine · 26-30, F
Vegas is no bueno. Unless you're going to the shows. I want to see a magic show 😋
MaryMary · 31-35, F
Yes, take in a few shows. So many options to choose from.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Sun in a few years. Vegas will be the place for you
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
i saw david copperfield in vegas - their shows are awesome. if you stay in the right hotels there - you can have fun - for a beach - hit santa barbara in calif or laguna beach or newport beach- all fun
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vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
its ok jenny 🤗
bhatjc · 46-50, M
i'm down with Cabo
Jon2403 · 61-69, M
its been awhile since i been to Las Vegas but when i was there not sure if Glitter Gulch was there then but all the casinos have different clubs that anybody will find what they are looking for too have adult fun. If you like Amusement rides? One of the Hotel Casinos have the most extreme rides on top of the hotel👍👿
bhatjc · 46-50, M
that would be the stratosphere tower. Another good ride would be the high roller
missit15 · 56-60, M
Vegas for a quick getaway and maybe some shows and parties...

Jamacia all inclusive is the way to go... Sandals or Iberostar (sp)

all you can eat and drink, swim up bar and lots of sun and sand...
missit15 · 56-60, M
would you go and meet a perfect stranger you had talked to on sw.... That could be a good sw ?
MaryMary · 31-35, F
@missit15: Maybe
missit15 · 56-60, M
Well Hello Mary Mary... lol
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I'd rather die in Detroit.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Nope. Everything about Vegas is superficial and ugly, America at its worst!
MaryMary · 31-35, F
Well, what's your favorite vacation spot? Not where you wanna die.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
The last time I had a vacation was 1988, and I went to Florida. Not a place I care to ever see again!
MaryMary · 31-35, F
I need better glasses. At first glance I thought it said, I Need A Mini Vacation. 😂😂
livesincar · 41-45, M
No vegas not so cool. Go to the beach.
MaryMary · 31-35, F
Which beach do you recommend?
Jon2403 · 61-69, M
Viva Las Vegas! Viva Las Vegas!😎
MaryMary · 31-35, F
😎 sounds like a fanatic. You like Vegas?
Jon2403 · 61-69, M
plenty go there for mini vacations 👽
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Very jealous at the moment with just the thought of it
MaryMary · 31-35, F
I assume you've been there a few times?
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Actally, just once for a work trip. It was an amazing time.
MaryMary · 31-35, F
I've never been but I've heard of Glitter Gulch. Is that a place you go for adult fun?
Jon2403 · 61-69, M
Yes i do like Las Vegas! plenty of places there too have adult fun.👿
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
go to branson its like vegas if ned flanders ran it
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Do you need a tour guide. I know my way around vegas
If you haven't been there before, I'd recommend it.

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