How Forgetful Are You?Forgetting SW.... It took me 9 days to remember that I was never here since the New Year. It suddenly crossed my mind today that I'm a member of this community....maybe due to old age?! 🤭🥹
Wandering MindsWho else deals with wandering thoughts? I deal with it and feel like things are going on inside me I don't understand emotions are so strong.
Why is my perspective on life so different than other peoples?Supernatural healings, Hearing Angels singing, cat's talking??? Like seriously??? I know I have schizoaffective disorder but these are my real life experiences, like nobody else's....I am so different I don't know what to do with myself...Should I... See More »
I respect that you tell it like it is and don’t sugarcoat, we need more people like that of courseBut personally if someone asks me if I think they’re ugly and they are. I’m not telling them that. But I’m not gonna lie either, I’m just walking away.