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So how does SW compare with Experience Project?

From my experience, EP had a more developed community that focused more on... well, sharing experiences. Here, I've seen a lot of posts that look more like status posts or is a "HMU" sort of thing. There's nothing wrong with that, but I don't remember EP having as much of it. I did take a very long break though and didn't even know EP shut down until recently, so I might be talking about a community that died out years ago. There still seems to be a huge age range, though, which is also good.

The actual site itself, SW is doing pretty swell as an EP successor. There's a lot of cool features and the interface is similar.
Aperson · M
@flumeminted: lines 4 - 6. So true...
2brandon2 · 18-21, M
@flumeminted: non of my ep frinds camer over with me to sw. and i miss them😟
FozzyUK · 46-50, M
Me too none of my friends I can find here but maybe just need to persevere - it's been a while since EP :( @2brandon2:
its basicly a knock off of ep but they have better security here.. but less content posting options.. like no profile page wall postings. no diaries.. and other things .. but they have other things here that ep never had like photo and video link postings in threads and other things
Azariah777 · 26-30, M
@ZeroG: Sounds pretty good. I'll always miss EP, but this seems like the best alternative out there.
@Azariah777: as far as i know its the best alt for ep
Carver · 31-35, F
It has mixed opinions. Some say it's better, some say EP was better. But in my opinion, SW is far superior.
Azariah777 · 26-30, M
@Carver: It does seem to have a few better options.
pearllederman · 61-69, F
i liked them both equally
Not as good as EP
It is is a cosmetic copy of the old site, to a degree. (fonts, colors, background and some layout) But I lack what MADE E{P special- and that cannot be capture or replaced -no matter how many admins they hire.

EP was around for 10 years- and most of those year were great! it is a shame EP admin let itself be destroyed form with in. As for SW, I do not it lasting 10 years.

They are going to make some of the same mistakes EP did, and they are going to be ill prepared to handle them.

This is a very watered down version of something that had a lot of heart and soul.
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insextra · F
I like ep more

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