I do. And have done since I left home at 17. Every so often I'll quit for a period of time. I think three years was the longest. But it's nearly always stress related that causes me to re-start. I can tell if it's a good day or a bad one. On a good day I may get through 3-4 and on a bad one I find myself buying another pack before the end of the day !
Yeah, for a while I really didn't care if I lived or died, so I figured I'd see what all the fuss was about. It creates a pretty compelling desire to have more, so even though I "quit" I still bum the occasional one and smoke the occasional pack.
😩I know, I know...spare me the drama,will ya? I was stupid when I started but it's too damned late to start quitting! Leave me alone!@SociallyAwkwardGirl: