WildHeart · 41-45, F
Plays an important role in my life hence I got out and work hard to earn it.

Very. We went 2 1/2 years with only macaroni and meat ends to eat.
Not at all, anymore. It's kind of nice to be free of that.
It is very important to me to EARN money

It's not that important, but I'm not living on my own yet and then it'll be more important
Even then, there are still more important things - like being a decent human being
Even then, there are still more important things - like being a decent human being
Prometheus · 26-30, M
If it wasn't one of the few ways to keep my housing I'd be all for
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
It is important in so far as it permits me to live my life.

I wouldn't sell my soul for it, but it's important enough since I need it for my quality of life.
dark548 · M
Very important sometimes
silentkillx2 · F
Pretty important
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Urbyxxx · 61-69, M
Enough is all you need, any more then your wasting your time, enjoy life don't waste it chasing money beyond what you need

Gimme all your money!