No one. The idea bothers me.
mrgreeen · M
Give it time lol
I've had plenty.
lily88mercy · 26-30, F
The author of the bill that made the act legal!!
Allelse · 36-40, M
Anyone who felt like doing that.
mrgreeen · M
You could choose to make it political
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
I wouldn't want to shoot him.I want something more creative to happen. Like a tree fall on him.
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CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
@Nostromo: I mean sure as long as I know my ex is the first to go I'd be happy!
Nostromo · 46-50, M
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic: Ahh! Compromise! :-)
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
@Nostromo: it's the key to getting results!

Some users here lmao
mrgreeen · M
Name them

I've never killed anyone. I wouldn't want to have that on my conscience.

I volunteer myself
Aidan · 26-30, F
that's a secret
Ted Nugent.
Madhatter · 31-35, M
I'd be here all day if I had to make a full list. I honestly and truly believe that the world would be better off without some people. And before anyone says anything, I mean better for me.
bijouxbroussard · F
There's nobody I could see shooting who wasn't actively attacking me or a loved one.
mrgreeen · M
Isn't there a politician you could help?
bijouxbroussard · F
@mrgreeen: No, not seriously. There are some whom I would not mourn if someone else took the, um, initiative. But it wouldn't be me, I'm not a killer.
mrgreeen · M
I'm just asking a silly question, play along@bijouxbroussard:
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
I'm good..
Nostromo · 46-50, M
Just ONE person?!
DAMN! There are SO MANY candidates!
DAMN! There are SO MANY candidates!
mrgreeen · M
Yeah sorry it can only be one, for now lol
toddr13 · 46-50, M
I'd prefer a lifetime of suffering, honestly. Shooting is too quick for someone who would have done me harm enough to warrant the notion, and since the only person who would qualify is already dead, I'd pass on the free shooting.

Any cunt that puts my loved ones in harms way.