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Are you graduating this year or do you know anyone who is?

It’s graduation season — a time for caps and gowns, tears, hugs and inspirational speeches.
This month, public figures such as Viola Davis, Jerry Seinfeld, Roger Federer and President Biden have given graduation addresses at colleges and universities across the country.
One commencement speaker, at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, gave each of the 1,200 graduates $500 to keep and $500 to give to any good cause.
And a robot named Sophia told graduates of D’Youville University in Buffalo to believe in themselves and offered other generic bits of advice she had compiled from past commencement addresses.
Are you graduating this year or do you know anyone who is? What do you think makes a good commencement speaker and speech? Who would be your dream speaker — human or otherwise?
In “An A.I. Robot Named Sophia Tells Graduates to Believe in Themselves,” Jesus Jiménez writes:
When it comes to choosing a commencement speaker, colleges and universities take different approaches. Some go local, selecting well-known figures in the area. Others take a stately route, opting for a former or current politician. Actors or comedians are often asked to speak.
But in a world where artificial intelligence is everywhere, one university in New York opted for a robot using artificial intelligence to speak to graduates over the weekend.
For its spring commencement on Saturday, D’Youville University, a private institution in Buffalo, had an A.I. robot named Sophia address a crowd of more than 2,000 students, faculty members and their families in a bold decision that drew mixed reactions.
Dr. Lorrie Clemo, the president of D’Youville University, said in an interview on Wednesday that the university wanted to open up new perspectives around A.I., given its “rapid emergence into the broad society.”
“We wanted to showcase how important technology is, and the potential for technology to really enrich the human experience,” Dr. Clemo said.
The article continues:
Sophia also did not read from prepared remarks. Instead, the robot was asked questions by John Rizk, the student body president.
But where Sophia’s address did mirror essentially any other commencement address was the generic advice it shared with the graduating class.
Because Sophia could not offer life advice “that comes from a lived human experience,” Mr. Rizk asked the robot if it could talk about the most common insights shared in graduation speeches.
“Although every commencement address is different, there are clear themes used by all speakers as you embark on this new chapter of your lives,” Sophia said. “I offer you the following inspirational advice that is common at all graduation ceremonies: Embrace lifelong learning, be adaptable, pursue your passions, take risks, foster meaningful connections, make a positive impact and believe in yourself.”
The most common piece of advice given in commencement speeches? Embrace failure, Sophia said.
My students, read the entire article and then tell me:
If you could have any speaker at your graduation — human or robot; celebrity, politician, or business person — whom would you choose and why? What would you hope that person would say?
What’s your reaction to an A.I. robot delivering the commencement address at D’Youville University? Do you think it was a bold, clever and forward-thinking choice by the school? Or do you agree with some students who thought having a robot address the class felt impersonal, especially for those who also attended virtual high school graduations during the Covid pandemic in 2020?
The article says that the robot, Sophia, gave advice she compiled from other commencement addresses, such as “embrace lifelong learning,” “pursue your passions” and “believe in yourself.” Do you find such sentiments, whether from a robot or a human, inspiring and meaningful? Or are they clichéd and off-putting? What’s the best, most memorable or most moving advice you have received during a graduation ceremony?
Funny or profound, inspiring or practical, what advice — or what gift — would you give to this year’s graduates?
Whether you’re graduating from high school or middle school, or simply moving up a grade, what are you most excited and anxious about as you look ahead to the next chapter in life?

Here's my two cents: I would not want a robot to speak at my graduation especially not FOR ME. I would be so upset because a robot has no idea how much stuff I went through to even be allowed to graduate. If anybody had to speak at my graduation that was not myself. I would suggest my mom because she would actually understand and be able to show emotion. I just think a robot trying to speak on a human experience is stupid. Robots cannot show emotion at all. I wouldn't want a robot speaking at my graduation. Graduations are supposed to be special and heartwarming and if something that literally as no feelings is talking in their monotone voice, that would creep me out. Robots are only able to speak because of huans so why not have a human say the speech? They don't even have emotions so it will be kinda pointless.
It would be silly to allow a robot to speak at a graduation, because they cannot talk with emotion like we do, so it'd make the event feel less meaningful/memorable. These kinds of speeches are supposed to inspire the graduates, and it wouldn't feel very inspiring coming from a robot.
I would want the robots to speak at my graduation. First robots will be able to make inspiring speeches without any gramatical errors in their speech while humans may make several mistakes while speaking. Second, Robots would be able to pronounce names correctly whether long or shot while humans may not be able to pronounce some names properly. This is why I would robots to speak at my graduation.
I would not want a robot to speak at graduation because it has not gone through the experiences all the students have had during all their years of school. To speak at graduation is a great feeling and it should not be destroyed by having a robot, with no feelings, replace them.
I would not want a robot to speak at my graduation. This is because it doesn't really feel heartfelt if the commmencement address is spoken by a piece of technology. Also I would be really creeped out by a robot lik that. It looks like something that would appear in my nightmares. Also, robots are not the same as humans and they can never really replace humans. Graduatation speeches and whatnot are supposed to be given by people speaking about *life* experiences. AI robots may be an interesting and entertaining concept, but it really cannot replace the special, heartfelt messages that principals, teachers, or adults have to say to students in congratulations.
I would not want a robot to speak at my graduation. At graduations they would give inspiring speeches and I wouldn't want a robot that doesn't have experience with anything to give advice to people. A graduation ceremony is a time for you to learn about your next steps of life and having to hear a speech from an AI robot wouldn't make sense. I would not want a robot to speak at a graduation. Unless someone at the school made it. If it is just some random robot that has nothing to do with the school then I would not want it to be at my graduation. No, I wouldn't want a robot to speak at my graduation because that just doesn't seem right with me and it wouldn't sit right with me at all. I would rather have an normal teacher or princple because that's what i been prepared for and us to after all these years. I would not want a robot to speak at my graduation. To me, a robot speaking at my graduation would show no effort. Anything that the robot has to say would be unoriginal and nobody wants to hear that. I would much rather have someone who can relate to me to speak at my graduation. A real person taking time out of their day to write an original speech would be much better than a robot. I would not like a robot to speak at my graduation because they weren't the ones that did all the work in order to graduate and they cant even show emotions. To me that would be kind of dumb because they do not understand how we did it or how to get through it precisely because they're robots, not humans. It just would not work because they don't live through what we do. No, I would not want a Robot to speak at my graduation. I personally don't like the idea of robots doing things that humans should be doing, so just imagining one speaking at my graduation freaks me out. I also get that we are improving a lot with A.I technology, but we honestly don't need robots giving speeches at important events. I would not want a robot to speak at a graduation anywhere. Graduations are supposed to represent the student's hard work for all of their childhood and teen-ages paying off to be released into the real world. What relation does a robot or artificial intelligence have to that? An A.I. does not have the same experiences as almost every human being, especially in education. Robots are trained in a matter of months or years, by humans coding them and inputting education and the robot outputs the information exactly as told. I would not want an A.I. to speak at my graduation for two specific reasons. Firstly, that thing is creepy: look at it; some uncanny valley is going on. Secondly, no matter how trained a speech-model A.I. is, it won't have the same emotion and understanding as the human brain. It has no human experience because it is not alive and never will be. It can't understand emotions; it has no sympathy and bases all of its advice on what others have told it. I personally wouldn't be comortable with a robot preforming a commencement address at my graduation. If I saw the robot similar to one in the image, I would actually be a little scared and uncomfortable because programming a robot to give a graduation speech is just weird. I think that speeches given from humans themselves would make the graduation more personal, and the speeches would actually make the graduation feel special, not some dumb programmed robot. I honestly wouldn't want my graduation speech to be written and spoken by A.I. I would rather have someone I know that is deserving of the position to write the speech and speak it infront of the crowd. I would want a student or even a teacher I know to write it since they would be there to experience it and they will have actual emotions in there to like express the feeling of everyone.
I would definitely not want a robot speaking at my graduation because not only would it just be uncanny, but there's too many things that can happen that would just ruin the whole graduation experience. For example, if the robot were to malfunction, and say something it wasn't supposed to, then there would be a big problem in an experience in your probably never going to get back. There's also the fact that it would just be uncanny to have something that is not human speak at a human event, especially if the even has nothing to do with robots. Overall, I just think it's and idea that should stay as an idea, and never be executed because there's too many risk factors and it would just be (for lack of a better word) weird.
I, personally, would not want an A.I. robot to deliver the commencement address at my graduation. Though the A.I. robot repeats many of the phrases said by human commencement speakers, it is not as impactful or inspirational as a commencement speech with the same quotes said by a human. What makes commencement addresses special is the person speaking; people want to hear advice from a person that they know have gone through the things that they are about to embark on. The words spoken by a human commencement speaker are an accumulation of a person's experienced that they acquired through living in the real world. An A.I. robot does not personally know what graduating college and going off to adulthood is like, making a commencement speech given by a robot emotionally detached, emotionless and passionless. No. I would not want a robot to give the commencement address at my graduation. The honor should be given to one of the students, not snatched away by an A.I. robot, who has not experienced the struggles and hardships that the rest of the student body relate to. Additionally, having an A.I. robot say such inspirational things, contradicts the purpose of having an inspirational commencement speech, as the "inspirational" aspect comes from the person seeming like they believe in their words themselves. When an A.I. says the same words, it obviously sounds robotic, monotonous, and scripted, taking away the humanity of it, mocking human optimism and hope. It's almost a slap to the face to those who have worked so hard to attain the key unlocking the next chapter of their lives.
I don't want a robot to speak at my graduation. This is supposed to be about me, and I feel like a robot speaking instead of a person takes away this feeling of accomplishment. I wouldn't want a robot, famous person, or businessman to speak at my graduation. I want me, or someone close to me to speak. I really don't care what a famous person or businessman has to say about me. Unless it's Megan Thee Stallion. This is supposed to be a very important part of MY life, as well as recognizing the hard work of other students. Technology, and the technological advancements we have been making are very good for society overall, but this is personal. The only robots allowed to speak at my graduation are Daft Punk.
I would not want a robot giving a speech at any graduation unless the robot was made by a student representing an engineering or robotics class. Imagine if you worked very hard to learn to be a doctor and a robot with no real doctoral experience is speaking for you. A student-built robot representing a robotics class would be the exception because it would show the progress students are making, and the robot would be literal talking proof of the successful work created by the students.
While I do understand the nervousness that one feels when giving a graduation speech, I feel like because it's a speech that is so personal to you, being that you get to reflect on your years being in school and how you've grown and whatnot, it makes more sense for the person graduating to give the speech themselves. I think it's a little disingeuine to have a robot giving your graduation speech because it feels like you don't really care about graduation and the impact it has on your life.
I would not like to have an AI or Robot speak at my graduation if it were generating its own response. In my opinion, AI shouldn't be used as a shortcut to replace human interaction where it is genuinely important. I'm sure some of those students felt offended that their graduation speech was delivered by AI, given many schools' harsh resistance to using AI for class assignments. Furthermore, AI could easily say controversial things based on its data set, or could be hacked. It would be much more meaningful to have a person who understood the graduating year's students say something meaningful than to have a robot spit out generic inspirational sayings.
No, I wouldn't want a robot to speak at my graduation. I feel like it would be very weird to have something not human give a speech especially because it doesn't even have feelings. If a real person gave the speech they could put actual emotion into it and be expressive. If a robot delivers the speech it really wouldn't mean much because it is not capable of being proud or being happy for the graduates. It would just say whatever it is told to. I would prefer a human to speak at my graduation rather than a robot. A robot lacks the ability to express emotion, and the advice that it will give will merely be that in its programming system, rather than wisdom collected from actual experiences. Considering the current level of advancement in AI, it will likely have 3-4 different speeches. Graduation ceremonies are to be special with each speech unique. This idea completely deprives the individuality of each ceremony. Plus, it would be creepy to stare into a robot face as it gives a speech and overall having a robot perform at a graduation in replacement of a human just seems lazy. It communicates that the authorities do not consider graduation ceremonies as a serious event. Definitely not, because I think that it should be a person who experienced college similarily to me, and not just a random person, which AI essentially is. I would also feel more weight if it were a person because they went by the same path as me, but are older, so they are in a sense a projection of me in the future.
No. Never. I don't want a robot speaking at my graduation, ever. I feel like it'd be weird to have a robot speaking during my graduation, this day is supposed to be about recognizing the students, not our technological advancements. I truly don't care how much we've advanced as people, I'll always want people to speak. This day would be about OUR advancements and achievements, not the robot. The only exception would be Daft Punk, because that'd be cool. If I could pick someone to speak at my graduation, it'd be Megan Thee Stallion or Tyler, the Creator. NOT a robot.
I don't want a robot to speak at my graduation. This is supposed to be about me, and I feel like a robot speaking instead of a person takes away this feeling of accomplishment. I wouldn't want a robot, famous person, or businessman to speak at my graduation. I want me, or someone close to me to speak. I really don't care what a famous person or businessman has to say about me. Unless it's Megan Thee Stallion. This is supposed to be a very important part of MY life, as well as recognizing the hard work of other students. Technology, and the technological advancements we have been making are very good for society overall, but this is personal. The only robots allowed to speak at my graduation are Daft Punk.
No. I would not want a robot to give the commencement address at my graduation. The honor should be given to one of the students, not snatched away by an A.I. robot, who has not experienced the struggles and hardships that the rest of the student body relate to. Additionally, having an A.I. robot say such inspirational things, contradicts the purpose of having an inspirational commencement speech, as the "inspirational" aspect comes from the person seeming like they believe in their words themselves. When an A.I. says the same words, it obviously sounds robotic, monotonous, and scripted, taking away the humanity of it, mocking human optimism and hope. It's almost a slap to the face to those who have worked so hard to attain the key unlocking the next chapter of their lives.
I would not want a robot to speak at my graduation. I don't like the idea of robots being so human-like. Robots with emotional intelligence and intelligence in general is so unsettling to me. I don't think they could take over the world, but I think they could still be a danger to our daily lives. Anyway. I want a human being without programmed thoughts and feelings to speak at my graduation because they've been through the struggles of high school and understand others' hard work.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Is that a book?

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