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Do you think it is important for celebrities to clarify their political affiliations and leanings?

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I really wish they wouldn't.

Let people think for themselves.

It's wrong to not think about issues and to be suade by "celebratory" popular opinion.

The majority is never right as is. Because it's often nothing more than a compromise. Yet to add celebrity from those that are popular is even a worse form of compromise.

Think for yourselves!
CestManan · 46-50, F
Yes we already know republicans hate trans, immigrants, BLM, etc.

We really do not need big celebrities confirming what this nation already knows.

Things were going well as far as acceptance and all then republicans ruined it almost overnight.
The only benefit is now we see America's true colors and it isn't good.
smiler2012 · 56-60
@KeepYourEyesPeeled 🤔no nobody is obliged too give that information as they are entitled too vote for whoever they please it is between the ballot box and there conscience

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