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A horrible sound

What in the last 40 years is the most redundant sound that you've ever woke up to?
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
an argument in the house
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Well 42 years ago I got up to sleep in the living room and brought my baby there to sleep on the fold-out sofa so we would be warmer. It was a really cold December morning. Went back to sleep and woke up hearing a car crash and one vehicle ran over the chain link fence and hit my car, narrowly missing the front porch, just about 6-7 feet from where we were sleeping inside. The driver was slumped over the steering wheel, the horn was blasting non-stop. I got up and opened the door and there was a baby inside the car who was crying & , upside down strapped in his car seat with glass in his hair. I got the baby out and brought him inside to stay warm and got the man who became conscious to walk into my house to stay warm. Our Doberman was barking non-stop and the other driver who ran a stop sign was yelling “Is that your dog? Does it bite?” What a mess to wake up to.
@cherokeepatti that sounds like a lot of noise. So glad everybody was okay though.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@IndianaJoes I felt like I was in a nightmare when it happened.
@cherokeepatti I'm sure you did.
scorpiolovedeep · 51-55, M
Eerie , wild gusts of Cyclone Chaba 2004, ripping adjacent tin roofs of neighbouring homes.

It was devastating.
We lost power for a few days.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Hurry you must go. Hubby will be home soon
@MarineBob that's what my ex-wife used to say to her boyfriend. I got rid of her and my life got much better. Now she calls me Daddy Warbucks. I can laugh about it now.
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
Trash trucks early morning emptying dumpsters
I could hear someone that wasn’t there. I could hear the call bell going off at work and got out of bed to answer it even though I was at home in bed. I once was jerked awake one morning because I could hear the McDonald’s advert whistle (UK), tv wasn’t on but that was creepy. I wondered for a while after that if it could have been a bird.
Soon to be ex screaming... nightmare...
meggie · F
Lawnmowers or leaf blowers after I've done a night shift.
When I had my daughter, emergency csection, they had to give me a few more drugs as I felt the surgery... anyway, it meant 2 days in a semicoma situation. I was in my own room and next door to me was a woman who had had a reaction to the pain meds and was hallucinating.

Only found this out after I woke up to the most horrific screams that sounded like she was being killed or having an exorcism. Hard to tell.
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Fox barking right outside my window 🤬

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