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I wonder what would happen

I wonder what would happen if the United States, Western Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea and the rest of our allies around the world declared war on Russia, China, Iran and North Korea but never actually fired a shot at any of those countries??? A silly thought but i wonder how they would react.
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Elessar · 26-30, M
Russia would quickly hold a referendum on Mars, Venus and the Moon, then claim 96% of their inhabitants want to enter the Russian federation and annex all three the next day

Checkmate, Earth-bound westerners
"All we are saying is give peace a chance" Too bad it was just a song. "World Peace" seems even more of a dream then it did in the 60's.
@istillhaveanameitsrick None taken. I agree. It was a time for visionary dreams, at least we have some great works as result of such "unrealistic dreams"
@Grateful4you Some great music did come out of that time
@istillhaveanameitsrick ...And the bumper sticker no longer reads, "Visualize World Peace" instead, it now reads, "Visualize whirled peas"
Tres13 · 51-55, M
That what is happening now America/NATO are training,arming advising funding & there is a division of foreigners fighting in Ukraine
@Tres13 I kind of agree.
Spotpot · 46-50, M
China isent an enemy of the US and russia is an adversary.
I think they'd react by firing first
@Tinkles Probably
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@fairgame123 [media=]
@istillhaveanameitsrick I believe even with China under conventional war
No chance Russia and China wins against nato

Usa is more than enough for Russia
And a couple allies like U.K. and France together kick Chinese butt
NATO together easily fucks them up
Under a conventional war

Of course if we get a missil nuclear attack
All humanity will rest rest in peace
@Motherwifenurseandnanny I agree that NATO pretty easily wins a conventional war assuming China stays out of it way it would stay conventional

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