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Please for the love of god, help me fix this run-on sentence

”However, I am having difficulty figuring out whether, if by starting the process to get the visa, I will be directed to the process of proving my eligibility for aliyah at some point as part of the A/1 visa application process as a whole, or if I must complete a separate process of proving my eligibility to make aliyah, and only then can I use that to begin applying for the A/1 visa.”
BlueVeins · 22-25 Best Comment
”However, I am having difficulty figuring out whether -- if by starting the process to get the visa -- I will be directed to the process of proving my eligibility for aliyah at some point as part of the A/1 visa application process as a whole, or if I must complete a separate process of proving my eligibility to make aliyah, at which point I can use that to begin applying for the A/1 visa.”

i'd say keep the sentence, just clear up the mechanics to make it slightly more readable.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@BlueVeins what do you mean by the mechanics?
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@BlueVeins I feel like yours feels the most right. Thanks!

eMortal · M
“Is Aliyah part of the A/1 visa application process or it is a prerequisite”?
Northwest · M
@eMortal Or: Is Aliyah a prerequisite for the A/1 visa application?
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@eMortal well I already know the answer to that is “neither” lolol
Northwest · M
@Zeuro ... or to answer you specific question: Aliyah comes after you're satisfied that the A1 program has given you enough time to consider whether you want to make it permanent, while enjoying employment and health benefits. The A1 requirements are: a statement from a recognized Rabbi that you're born to a Jewish mother, and an FBI background check.
"Do I need to prove my ability to make aliyah before applying for a visa?"
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@Mamapolo2016 but like, that’s not exactly what I’m asking. I’m asking if I have to do either part or the entirety of the Aliyah process before applying for the A/1 visa or if after I start the A/1 visa process there will come a portion where I have to have the Aliyah interview and prove my Jewishness (which is only part of the entire Aliyah application process).
@Zeuro Then I think eMortal nailed it.
Heartlander · 80-89, M

"I'm a little confused about the entire process. Will I have to first complete some or all of the Aliyah process before even applying for the A/1 visa; or, does the A/1 visa process include the Aliyah application?"

"application" (at the end) may not be the best word if there's more to it then filling out a form. "requirements" may be a better word.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
By saying Aliyah, you mean immigration to Israel?

If I am to edit this based on my understanding, it would be this...

"Will I have to prove I'm eligible for Aliyah as part of the A/1 visa acquisition process? Or will I have to first prove my eligibility for Aliyah before I can apply for A/1 visa?"
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Have tried turning it off and then turning it back on again?
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I am having difficulty figuring out my next move for my visa and I believe there are two possibilities.

I'm not sure if when I prove my eligibility for aliyah it happens concurrently with the A/1 visa application process of if you must first prove eligibility to make aliyah then use that approval to apply for the A/1 visa.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Hilariously, there is nothing technically wrong with that sentence. It's just freaking huge.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@LordShadowfire lol, being over the top but technically correct is my specialty
When I was young in school back in the 80's we were taught in construction of sentences that repeating a word over and over is bad grammar/practice.. so "process" should bs interjected with other words that essentially mean process
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@SW-User got any suggestions?

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