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What is it about star signs that fascinate you?

What’s so interesting about zodiac signs? What do you think of zodiac signs? Do you ever use it for dating compatibility? What do you think about Zodiac Signs and Horoscopes, do you believe it? Why or why not? What are the most common stereotypes about your zodiac signs? And how true/false/relevant are they? Why do you care so much about a persons Zodiac signs? Why is it important when it comes to dating? What are your thoughts on Zodiac signs?
Based on past posts, obsession is yours. Tell us why you have fascination in such a lie? No evidence that it works, no explanation on how it works. No actual research conducted. Yet you’re asking statistics based questions that can’t be answered. Especially since astrology totally ignores statistics.

Astrology is great for making excuses and avoiding personal responsibility. Overall it simply fails the vaguest claims people make.
That people believe they have validity.

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