What happened to the popular kid at your school?
People who ran into the “super popular kid” from school years later. How did he or she turn out? How did the "popular" kids from your high school turn out? What made the popular kid at school so popular? When you were in school, who were the 'popular kids'? What were they like? What were their interests?
The fiancee and I have been talking about this for a little while now, as we're in our mid 20s and I was just invited to my 10th high school reunion next year, so we've been reminiscing. She and I grew up in different parts of the US and the types of people who were the kings and queens of her high school would have been considered losers where I went to school, and all the kids who were at the top where I went to school were considered to be 'slow' or 'trashy' where she lived. I find it incredibly interesting that in two different parts of the US, being 'popular' can mean such different things, so I'm interested to hear what it means in different parts of the US as well. For her, the 'popular kids' were into tanning, Jersey Shore, clubbing, going to Atlantic city to party on the weekends, that kind of group. For my school, the 'popular kids' were either super Catholic horse-girls who only did church activities, or the types of gothy guys who wore trench coats, watched Invader Zim, and talked about Richard Dawkins a lot. I also don't mean to say that being popular was a bad thing, we both had a lot of friends in every social group and for the most part they were all very nice people. I was watching a podcast on YouTube recently where someone who went to school in both the US and Japan and talked about the differences between the two. They mentioned that in Japan the popular kids were typically the well-rounded, academically successful ones. Here in the US, it was often the more athletic students that were the popular kids. How is it where you are? If you were to describe the stereotypical cool/popular kids in your country's schools, who would they be? What made you the super popular kid in school? Lots of people talk about not being part of the 'popular kids' in high school. I think it's time we heard the popular kids' side of the story. So, if you were popular in school, what was that like and how has that experience affected the rest of your life? Were you one of "the cool kids" in high school? What was it like? How do you think it affected your high school experience? People who were very popular in high school, how did your life turn out? Were you popular in high school? If not how was your social standing? Parents of "uncool" children, when did you realise your child wasn't one of the popular kids? What happened to the popular kid from your high school? What was the downfall of the “popular kid” in your school? Where did the popular kids from your high school end up?
The fiancee and I have been talking about this for a little while now, as we're in our mid 20s and I was just invited to my 10th high school reunion next year, so we've been reminiscing. She and I grew up in different parts of the US and the types of people who were the kings and queens of her high school would have been considered losers where I went to school, and all the kids who were at the top where I went to school were considered to be 'slow' or 'trashy' where she lived. I find it incredibly interesting that in two different parts of the US, being 'popular' can mean such different things, so I'm interested to hear what it means in different parts of the US as well. For her, the 'popular kids' were into tanning, Jersey Shore, clubbing, going to Atlantic city to party on the weekends, that kind of group. For my school, the 'popular kids' were either super Catholic horse-girls who only did church activities, or the types of gothy guys who wore trench coats, watched Invader Zim, and talked about Richard Dawkins a lot. I also don't mean to say that being popular was a bad thing, we both had a lot of friends in every social group and for the most part they were all very nice people. I was watching a podcast on YouTube recently where someone who went to school in both the US and Japan and talked about the differences between the two. They mentioned that in Japan the popular kids were typically the well-rounded, academically successful ones. Here in the US, it was often the more athletic students that were the popular kids. How is it where you are? If you were to describe the stereotypical cool/popular kids in your country's schools, who would they be? What made you the super popular kid in school? Lots of people talk about not being part of the 'popular kids' in high school. I think it's time we heard the popular kids' side of the story. So, if you were popular in school, what was that like and how has that experience affected the rest of your life? Were you one of "the cool kids" in high school? What was it like? How do you think it affected your high school experience? People who were very popular in high school, how did your life turn out? Were you popular in high school? If not how was your social standing? Parents of "uncool" children, when did you realise your child wasn't one of the popular kids? What happened to the popular kid from your high school? What was the downfall of the “popular kid” in your school? Where did the popular kids from your high school end up?