TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
although he had a thing for gassing Kurds.
the middleeast was never a shamozzle like it is today. he kept the entire middle east behaved it seems.
looks to me, saddam needed to go, to create a power vacuums. and make way for isis and such..
just my opinion.
after everything gadaffi did, all it took was a promise to stop selling oil for the petro doller and sell it for gold instead. BOOM. bye bye gadaffi.
the list goes on. and on and on..
the middleeast was never a shamozzle like it is today. he kept the entire middle east behaved it seems.
looks to me, saddam needed to go, to create a power vacuums. and make way for isis and such..
just my opinion.
after everything gadaffi did, all it took was a promise to stop selling oil for the petro doller and sell it for gold instead. BOOM. bye bye gadaffi.
the list goes on. and on and on..
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
a little bit. he was critisized a lot for his way of governing but he needed to have an iron fist to keep that country together. I am no expert but i think his country was made up of 3 etnic groups who hate each other while criminal organisations that fund isis exist like a mafia in these countries and they ask everyone to pay a "protection" tax. Saddam Hussein was keeping all that in control by unconvetional, sometime very violent, form of governing. then with false pretence, without even the accord of the united nations, the u.S. decides to attack a soverein country and kidnap the president, then trial him by laws that are not his and condemn him to death . did he deserve to die? I don't know, at all. but is it right for one country to randomly decide to just go in some independant country and decide that their leader has to go? imagine if during the american civil war some other country would have barged in and start deciding who should win. maybe even a country with inner conflicts have the right to work out their own shit without interference from the outside? maybe, I don't know. thing is now the local mafia (isis) have used the vacuum left by the taking down of Saddam to implant themselves deaper in everything and use this chaos caused by the U.S. as a tool to raley people against the west. it was a massive mistake to attack Irak.
Wiseacre · F
Why...should we??
Do you feel sorry for the late Osama Bin Laden??? 🤔
Wiseacre · F
Nope, he’s 💀
Eternity · 26-30, M
He isn't very good at making movies
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
That's a foolish question....
Atlotto · M

DDonde · 31-35, M
Nah fuck him
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