4meAndyou · F
Interesting stuff! Reminds me of Hobo Art, which came into being during the Great Depression.
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4meAndyou · F
@CantExplain That website is amazing. The P-town artist had best hide his head in shame!
CantExplain · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou glad you checked out the website. It’s something else! It fascinates me the way people use scraps, creativity and their imagination to make their creations 😉
4meAndyou · F
@CantExplain I made a stained glass lampshade and lamp once, entirely from "found" pieces!
Fluffybull · F
Love this! 👏👏👍
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Creepy stuff
CantExplain · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti 😆 that might be the case but I sure wouldn’t buy it to put in my house. Going to sleep w/ those might not make for a restful sleep!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@CantExplain I don’t like creepy stuff like that either. Some people seem to crave it though.
CantExplain · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti hence the whole strangeness of the Garden of Edina and Lucas. Here’s the House of Barbies