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Mask wearing

When do you think we will be able to stop wearing masks?
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Driver2 · M
When they stop lying to us
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
@Driver2 lol! They will never stop.
Driver2 · M
@Mbingh01 then we should not listen to them
I have been planning to take it to the opposite extreme, and never be seen in public without one again, even after they give us permission to show our faces once more.
WhiskeyxXxLullabye · 46-50, F
I never started. Had to for a job I worked at, a hospital, but still tested positive. No masks for me
😄I work in a hospital and on my way out saw a sign in the elevator showing people proper and improper ways to wear a mask. Even there, among some professionals we see noses exposed...I mean, what's the point?@WhiskeyxXxLullabye
curiosi · 61-69, F
As soon as YOU decide to take back control of your life! Right now you are allowing the government to dictate your every move.
Who are you telling this lol@curiosi They think if they have a mask on they got Covid under control they are safe and even HELPING to stop the spread.... I think maybe a beginning would be “when you throw away your TV” which they look to for decisions, guidance and direction from “experts” that make money off them
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
I never started
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Probably never.
For one it’s a great political tool to inspire fear in people and so make them more compliant.

Two. America’s insanity of ‘business at any price’ (proven by the numbers dead and infected) makes it even more of a necessity especially if they insist on keeping access to China ongoing.

Three the current medical consensus seems to be that Covid is here to stay.
So masks; regular hand washing and barrier sprays and gels look set to become the norm worldwide from now on
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Picklebobble2 Not at all. Most people were afraid, at least in Europe; most people right now have resumed a pseudonormal life, and are just waiting for their life to resume in full; fear (and compliance) are both inversely proportional to the time it takes to clear the situation out. In this and every other even deadlier past pandemic. Judge by yourself:

This is 2020 (actually when the problem hadn't even reached most of the world):
This is a lockdown now, same country and same region/state:

Where do you get the thinking that in China Covid is a seasonal thing ?
It’s not. It’s connected to poverty !
Poor people eat diseased animals and that’s how it starts.
You have a plan to end Chinese poverty ? Because they don’t !
I'm not talking about where/how it did start, pandemics can start from literally anywhere, including western industrialised overcrowded farms for that matter.

I'm saying that China now has pretty much eradicated the problem in their own territory, and this in like two months and without even needing vaccines. The moment they have a localized hotspot they close *everything* (and their concept of closing stuff is quite a bit more stringent than our one), mass-test several millions of citizens at once, and then resume business. It's mostly a western problem now.

A sizeable slice of America is screaming they won’t touch any vaccines....... Now unless American authorities take the view that everybody is required to (enforced vaccination) how will this ever end ?

A loud minority statistically under the 30% of the country judging by the data that are released. In any case yes, that's how it works, either a sufficient percentage of people voluntarily take it (and artificial herd immunity kicks in), or (and especially in case the % required turns out to be too high like in case of measles for instance) you coerce them. As it's always been in history.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@Elessar I don’t see any evidence for what you suggest.
I see politicians telling you that !
I see a media desperate for that !
I see big business keen to pull any stunt necessary if it means people start buying !

Italy is an epic example of what happens when you don't follow the required rules ! And anything out of Italy or the E:U on anything 'successful' occurring in Italy i'd dismiss immediately as bogus.
Italians have large extended families. More than likely that the youngsters are being told to go see 'Grandma' and make sure she's ok' as is their way, and that's how it continues.

But you haven’t got a wonder drug that suddenly eradicated it !
You don’t even have joined up thinking between nations EVEN NOW on the best way forward together as opposed to each country applying their own logic to their own unique situation.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Picklebobble2 I've been an essential worker, I haven't moved from Veneto (first registered Italian covid death happened at cyclable distance from where I am, in Vò, for the record) and I can assure you personally that the very first lockdown we implemented over here (when people were scared) compared to that joke we have now (when people couldn't care less about CV19) are completely different beasts. You don't even need to trust the media altogether, reality is in front of everyone's eyes.

Italy had a far higher compliance to the first lockdown measures than, say, the U.K (let alone the U.S.). Come on. Tier 1 lockdown over there in December and I personally know people who traveled from here to London, moved around London and came back to Italy without any issue altogether - and once there in parks and in public it was as if CV19 didn't exist. Spare me the "Italians don't follow the rules" nonsense, you can see on the very first video I've posted how many of us were around defying them.
revenant · F
When vaccinated people still have to wear masks ...something is wrong.
When vaccinated people still have to be in quarantine...something is very wrong.
revenant · F
@littlepuppywantanewlife il y a beaucoup de complications et surtout beaucoup d'attentes . Merci mais on verra comment les choses se developpent avec le temps.
@revenant j'espère vraiment que votre situation sera résolue. beaucoup d'amour et s'il vous plaît prenez soin de vous.
revenant · F
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I have never worn one.
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
@cherokeepatti have you ever been refused to enter a business because of not wearing one?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Mbingh01 yes I’ve walked out of two places and will never return regardless now
SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
Confined · 56-60, M
The dooms day cult known as the democrats will never allow it to stop.
Nev-ah!...mwah ha ha ha ha ha haa!😈
SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
@AnonymouslyYours I'm fearing that's a possibility.....
pattycakechamp · 26-30, F
If they keep the current pace of vaccinations, I doubt the current "summer" timeframe will hold.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Today. I'm done
morrgin · F
Hopefully before June.. Its going to be so awkward trying to wear a mask while wearing a bikini (or any swimsuit) this summer. I dont want weird tan lines. I'll also look odd in a swimsuit with a matching mask and if they don't match then it will still look odd. Maybe this is just shallow thinking. Lives are more important than appearance. Others would say my worrying is ridiculous because we don't need masks at all.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@morrgin even outside? Where do you live?
morrgin · F
@carpediem in Oregon. You don't have to have a mask on outside but if you get anywhere near a building people start glaring if you're not already wearing it. Most jobs require a mask at all times even if you go outside. You don't have to wear them though when you sit down at a table to eat or use the smoking area because I guess germs don't exist in those areas😜
carpediem · 61-69, M
@morrgin yes, once you're sitting down to eat covid leaves you alone. Who knew?

I live in a blue state with stupid draconian rules too. I just don't follow them.
Atlotto · M
Wearing a mask does very little, if anything.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Already stopped. Months ago. Now wear one only when a business requests it out if respect for their choice.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
I lovvveee wearing a mask I'm never taking it off
Elessar · 26-30, M
@assemblingaknob I'm guessing you don't live in a very hot and very humid area? 😬
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Elessar I live close to the equator. :( I guess you're right about feeling very hot in it. But I feel comfortable that a part of my identity is secret. It helps me feel more confident at work.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@assemblingaknob More than the heat (or along with it?), I think it's the humidity that makes me hate wearing them, because even last winter with the fog they weren't fun.

Considering that at work here we had people who came in sick twice throughout this pandemic, yeah, I prefer keeping them too (N95s actually)
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Right now. I only wear it in some stores cause some people demand it
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
At least another year before we can stop
Psycho · 26-30, M
May or June
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
@Psycho I hope so!
Nudistsue26 · 31-35, F
We can if we are outside
DViper97 · 51-55, M
Hope soon!
masterofyou · 70-79, M
quinnlynn · 46-50, F
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@Stereoguy you have far more faith than I do. It's about control, not safety.
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