Nanori · F
Hahahaa no regrets so far 🤭
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@Nanori are you sure you remember tho 🤣
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Theambivert do not need to be drunk to think about regrets
@smiler2012 hahaha true

I wish I remembered.

Being too honest.... lol 🥴 😒
@SW-User what did you say?
Elevatorpitches · F
Getting obsessed on people's measurements.
just kidding.
just kidding.
@Elevatorpitches measurements?
Elevatorpitches · F
@Theambivert not busy enough to stay off the boards!
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assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Oh shit.
@assemblingaknob hahaha when sober? Do tell
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Theambivert Ugh. I was heavily flirting with a guy that I genuinely liked, and then behind his back also heavily flirting with his best friend.
It's weird because i didn't realize I was flirting with the best friend back then, because I'm not very mentally stable and don't understand a lot of things I say or do until when I'm back to normal. In retrospect, I realized that a lot of our interactions and physical contact had sexual connotations to them. I may or may not be bipolar. I'm not officially diagnosed. But I have the symptoms.
Both dudes cut ties with me at the same time. And I used to wonder why until it hit me months later lol.
It's weird because i didn't realize I was flirting with the best friend back then, because I'm not very mentally stable and don't understand a lot of things I say or do until when I'm back to normal. In retrospect, I realized that a lot of our interactions and physical contact had sexual connotations to them. I may or may not be bipolar. I'm not officially diagnosed. But I have the symptoms.
Both dudes cut ties with me at the same time. And I used to wonder why until it hit me months later lol.
@assemblingaknob damn. Alcohol is .... either a good friend or the worst enemy
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Oh bloody hell!! I remember a few embarrassing stories 😏
@Donotfolowme oh come on... you gotta share at least one

Slept with a girl who I was friends with at the time. It was a bad idea and I paid for it cause it fucked up my chances with her friend who was the one I wanted.
@SW-User damn bro. That sucks

@Theambivert yeah man, learned that lesson the hard way 😂
@SW-User I bet man.