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Is Trump the first US president to be called a clown and told to shut up on live TV?

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Pretzel · 61-69, M
I was around for Kennedy through Biden

Nixon got no respect
nor did the Bushes or Regan

but Trump invited a special brand of vitriol
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@BigGuy2 by "invited" I mean how he used to taunt them and goad them

I think it amused him to see them get so angry
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
@TopOfTheWorld you're get'n Democrats mixed up with Republicans, it's Democrats that blatantly practice Double Standards and espouse Hypocrisy and have no shame in doing it ... 🤪🤪🤪

🤔 ... the simple fact that the message is relayed using a 'wholesome' family scene speaks volumes about the mentality of Democrats and Double Standards ... Democrats, happy to instigate riots and NOT see them as a problem, or only see them as a problem when voter ratings drop {watch Don Lemon on CNN} 🤪🤪🤪 ...Democrats happy to rip asunder the family unit
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
...don't know, but he's the 1st President that didn't create a War or send arms to Terrorists for the past 40 YEARS


... i suggest, like you suggested in one of your experiences, you log off ... and SHUT UP

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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Yes. And, the first one to deserve it.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@losthorizons Now. Just learn.
losthorizons · 51-55, M
@MarkPaul another millennial idiot libtard. Won’t waste my 8 second text on you. You probably protest too you red diaper doper baby
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@losthorizons I guess you no longer find it "refreshing" to hear someone speak his mind. Don't forget to wear your mask when you go to the store to buy your "Depends."
Biden did look a little sleepy but Trump looked like he was the one on drugs. It was like an avalanche of lies coming down on Joe. Then Trump takes on Wallace. Trump was out of control and the Fox Flunkies say he had to debate 2 people. Impossible job for Wallace. Trump won't even commit to leaving AFTER being beaten. WOW, F the constitution and rule of law.
@Iwillwait I'd just rather have a President that listens to experts rather than getting his information from Fox personalities.
Iwillwait · M
@Pitchblue Agreed.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Iwillwait we may find the truths sooner than we thought. His son is being forced to testify in NY.

I only saw a few short clips over her but seriously is that the 2 best America can offer up for that job?
@Iwillwait Hes in trouble financially now and that is a threat to the country with a President who does things his way regardless of the Law or the Constitution.
Iwillwait · M
@Pitchblue So you believe he would abuse his Office for financial gain or policy/law making for financial gain?

I am not advocating that in any shape, but I cannot seem to figure out whom as president did not do that.

Maybe Reagan, maybe Lincoln.
@Iwillwait Trump is abusing his position for financial gain now. How did Jared get a 99 year lease paid up front for 666 5th ave? Why did Trump family and friends get stimulus money? Why is Trump Corp profiting on the Washinton Hotel and Mar A Lago plus every time Trump golfs. Why is this admin redirecting Air Force and the VP to Trump's property in Scotland. Again did he get loans from Russia and what will he do for Russia when hundreds of millions in loans comes due during his presidency? No other President has been in a position like this.
Also the first debate where one of the candidates argued with the moderator.
Unfortunately when one of the participants in a debate has the emotional maturity of a 10 year old and is incapable of respecting the other’s right to speak without constantly interrupting him, different rules/stricter moderation are needed.
revenant · F
It did not make Biden look cool that is for sure
revenant · F
@LeopoldBloom stutter less and he did exactly what he accused his opponent of doing.
revenant · F
@Pitchblue COVID will be with you forever if you vote Biden
@revenant It's already with us forever.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Chris Wallace did earn his pay by trying to keep trump somewhat under control.
losthorizons · 51-55, M
Lmao. Yes he did. Lol@Crazywaterspring
@Crazywaterspring He looked really nervous right before the debate started. He knew what Trump's strategy would be.
I believe so
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@PainfulTruth So you have no links.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@PainfulTruth The claim that Biden was at he bottom of his class has been debunked.
He probably deserved it
Iwillwait · M
I have only watched a few minutes here and there and this was so painful to endure, like the news outlets, I can take tiny doses.

What did this debate accomplish? It shows the public a lesson on over talking, and bullying.

What a shame.
Iwillwait · M
@Pitchblue ironically the same is said about the Democratic Party as well.

We are in tough times and logically an administration is not going to burn/tear down their own country when they're in power, that would for sure end their reign in Office/House and Senate.
@Iwillwait And yet Trump supports Putin over all agencies that protect the country.
Iwillwait · M
@Pitchblue irony
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
Shows the lack of respect from Biden and democrats for Trump and the office he holds .
Iwillwait · M
@Ramon67 I couldn't agree more. Makes one wonder, "Joe if you hold so little regard to the Office, what's to stop you from breaking your Oaths should you win?"
@Iwillwait How many criminal charges does Trump and his family have pending against them right now?
@Ramon67 Right Sociopath would have been the correct word to use.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
I think George HW Bush called Bill Clinton and Al Gore bozos. Pretty close.
Maybe not the last either
Perhaps, but only because he’s the first president to behave like a clown on live tv and need to shut up.
@bijouxbroussard I thought it was the makeup.
NCCindy · 36-40, F
Back in the good old days, like the 1800's, politicians called each other worse things.
@NCCindy I thought about that, too—but she specified “on live tv” which limits the eras involved.
NCCindy · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard Good point...

Dueling pistols at 10 paces might have made last night even more interesting.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@NCCindy see Hamilton. That duel didn't end well for either of the combatants.
Alexsw · 70-79, M
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
Well it’s sounds like the truth in both ways
LeoWulf · 36-40, M
First modern day President, yes
If Biden had have said Shut Up Julio that would have blown the other half of his hair off. 70,000 to grow hair on the left side of his head to cover the bald right side.
Alexsw · 70-79, M
Many clown voted for him
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
I think Douglas called Lincoln a giant freak with a weirdo beard and stupid hat once.
@Fukfacewillie But I’d bet in that debate Lincoln looked more intelligent than the one calling names.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard And he won!

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