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My boss is torturing me

She wants me to resign. I'm waiting for her to fire me so I can take her to unfair dismissals but this is too much and I'm not okay. She's evil ans I'm breaking
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I don't know where you live, but usually you can take this up with your union if you're a member of one. I know that in New Zealand, you can call or go into the Citizen's Advice Bureau and they can find options to help. I'm a volunteer at one in my city and we have an employment advocate, so if you live in NZ I'd recommend it.
@MushroomFaerie it might be worth making a complaint to MBIE then
@SW-User I googled it, never heard of them, something government of employment. What can they do?
@MushroomFaerie Well they're the ministry that covers employment. They're the ones who can look into it and deal with it.
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@Fishing65 she accuses me of giving her attitude and things when I'm not, if I actually gave her attitude I don't know what she would do. She's manipulative and intimidating. She stares at me for long periods of time just to frighten me. I can barely look at her
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UpForItNow · 22-25, F
I've just had a similar thing. Keep your mental health and cut your losses, these things never improve with time and many of the protections you believe you have in the workplace are illusory; unions also do very little for you these days.
nate2244 · 41-45, M
Yeah,I would have already been looking for a new job.Life is too short for people on power trips.
Keep holding in there until you are able to get a new job, at least.
Coppercoil · M
so sorry.. people don't get how difficult a situation like this can be on your mental health.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Do you have a union?
@Allelse used to, not anymore. I have to write down everything but I'm so stressed out and she consumes all my time and energy I just can't keep up
Human Resources might help?
Keeper · M
I recently went through that for months with my last employer. I. Was. Miserable.
Montanaman · M
Toxic workplace sucks.😒😔 You should snag another job and give your two weeks.🤗🤗
Lilnonames · F
Hang on if u quit u lose unemployment benefits and lost pay
@Lilnonames yeah I know, I have to keep my roof over my head and food in my stomach
Lilnonames · F
@MushroomFaerie u sure do my boss did that too it was tough but I held out

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