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You voting for trump in November?

Poll - Total Votes: 65
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DUMP Trump!
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naturefarmer · 41-45, M
No one respects US anymore, people consider us bully, not that we weren't before but now we bully around openly. Those who pretend to show respect, laugh and joke behind our backs. Bush and his war mongering buddy dragged us into a war which was based on complete and utter lies, and instead bombing the shit out of Saudi (where most of 9/11 high terrorists came from) the decided to take on Iraq when Iraq decided to ditch US dollar for trading and use Euro instead.

The biggest mess created by Republicans to drag us into middle east, Democrats did nothing to get out, since 2001 amount of money spent keeping U.S. engaged in that regions is over $6 trillion dollars... can you imagine. $6 trillion dollars, had that money been spent here on us, our kids, our education, our infrastructure, things would have been far different. By the what is worst, the amount of debt US has collected over $20 trillion dollars. Bush's government added over $5.8 Trillions and Thanks to Obama added above $8.7 Trillions and the current president is not far behind Mr. Obama with close $4.4 trillion, who knows what would happen in 2nd term.

China has owns $1.1 trillions in US debt, not far behind. Imagine them dumping it.

Many future generations have been pawned and are in debt. Let's choose our leaders wisely. Let's get out of Middle East and stop selling weapons to them, we are selling our souls to devil. We are buying deaths of many innocent people, we need to stop supporting the dictators in the middle East, Africa and Turkey.
OtkCouple · 41-45, C
That would also surprise me and I think anyone else with common sense @ProfessorPlum77
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Midlifemale · 61-69, M
Absolutely I will vote for Trump. If you don't, the country is ruined and the protests will get worse, your taxes will go up, companies will move out, more killings and less police. It won't be America anymore. It will be run by the evil liberal Democrats
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard absolutely I do. Biden is a dumb ass idiot and everyone knows it. It's sad that that's the best the dems can do. Trump is kicking ass and the dems hate it.
BlueRain · F
@Midlifemale Okay, back to your Klan meeting. At least you own being a racist piece of trash.
Why would I vote for the devil?
OtkCouple · 41-45, C
Trump is the best Candidate for president Biden and the left want to kill
this country the left really hates us.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

Speaking of puppets.....

SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@SevIsPamprinYouAlways Whose idea was the irrelevant elephant?
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@curiosi That cat on your avatar would make a better job of running the US than Trump.
No, I will not vote for Trump.
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
I would rather take a ride through a wood chipper.
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Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
@JAYS21 Were you the Peeping Tom at my parents’ house? Oh, you rascal. Did you film them? Did you know that you left two of your S’mores under their window. My dad still has both of them if you want them back.
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
@JAYS21 Beware though! I think there is a leaf or two and a couple of grass clipping stuck to the marshmallow.
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@RightSaidFred he also believes that KKK are very fine people! white supremacy for trump 2020!
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SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
I can't vote for a US President because I don't live in the US. If I did I would not vote for Trump.
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
@BlueRain Thats still your opinion not everyone else’s. And if their opinion doesn’t matter then why does it matter to you?
BlueRain · F
@DoubleRings it doesn’t. Lol
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
@BlueRain Great! Im glad we agree. everyone is entitled to have and express their opinion whether it matters or not.
no i like when the american people live
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I'm a constitutional conservative. I hope he uses his second term to straighten out this country and walk back provisions for abominable things like gay rights. We're supposed to be a Christian nation.
@Midlifemale they try to get homosexuality taught in schools too.
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@JAYS21 disgusting, I wonder if they'll teach the history of HIV.

I also heard that blm wants to tear down a Lincoln statue there. So much for the land of Lincoln.

Honestly, this stuff wouldn't happen if we lived in separated but equal societies.
TexChik · F
Of course I am voting for Trump. The idiot liberals have a death wish for this country.
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TexChik · F
@Darksideinthenight2 no Trump didn’t , thats the new line of BS you silly libs blather about ... it’s funny you don’t remember Fauci saying it wasn’t going to be a big deal , it’s funny that you criticized Trump when he immediately banned travel with China as soon as he got good intel about Corona calling him a racist and a Xenophobe . It’s funny you forgot the WHO lied to the world and covered up for China releasing the virus . It’s funny you don’t remember the CDC was completely ignorant about the virus and had no plan to deal with it before it hit the US. Facts don’t support the CNN BS you libs are spewing . Did Trump order the placement of covid patients in nursing homes in bankrupt blue states? Nope ! Blue state governors did , but only after moving their family members out of them. Did Trump order the arrest of people trying to make a living in blue states while releasing convicted felons from prison To avoid void? Nope but blue state governors did . Did Trump order the suspension of the constitution in blue cities and states? Nope but guess who did ?
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Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
I certainly will. I voted for Trump last time and I will again
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NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@JAYS21 Here we go again. Bottoms, bottoms, bottoms....
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
You people are self centered. Keep America TRUMP
OtkCouple · 41-45, C
@bijouxbroussard How Does what @Midlifemale said about BIden make them a racist?] btw The word racist is not a real word. A Racist could mean they drive Race Cars or they like to Race Bikes, or in Marathons so the word does adopt whatever meaning you decided it should be.
@OtkCouple.... Wut
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@OtkCouple Yeah. Wut?
BlueRain · F
Of course!! One would be crazy not to.
OtkCouple · 41-45, C
You Can't Complain if you don't Vote
@OtkCouple I definitely plan to vote, before Trump and his buddies try to finish disabling the Voters’ Rights Act and make the ballot “whites only” again.
OtkCouple · 41-45, C
where is your proof of the ballots being Tampered with "white only' again? And what would Disabling it do? The President can not Disable any law, the President does not make laws. Congress Does, both the House and Senate must vote and pass the Bills of Law to then be sign into law by the President
I would really interested in knowing what part of the Voters Rights Act would effect you? The Act was not only for the black community it was intended for minority populations in the US that could have limited-English Skills not to be turned away by state repressive while trying to cast their vote The Act was for Legal Immigrants to have they rights protected by the Federal Government so that the states abridge the right to vote their new county. @bijouxbroussard
yeah I'm not voting.
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@SW-User Why don't you just vote for the other guy to stop Trump winning?
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
Yes, I plan to.
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
[image deleted]

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