hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
There was no evidence of strangulation. The knee to the back of the neck is a commonly used police tactic in controlling the person being detained. the man died from excited delirium which could have happened while being driven to the police station for processing.
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Curiousguy833 · 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 there was maybe 4 cops minimum there and they had the guy under control even if he didn’t want to go into the cop car.
When he said he can’t breath and begging for his mom and there was another cop just standing near by with people recording saying things like “ He’s unresponsive” etc “let him breath” and the standing cop says his “his fine”
KNOWING that another “suspect” died from a similar situation. Don’t you think the cop or “cops” should have acted better seeing the situation was under control? There was more then one cop there and many people watching.
Why didnt his colleagues say or do something? Doesn’t that say something? There are good cops. I know this but.... THAT cop murdered that guy and the other cops didn’t do anything because you have to back up your colleague. Thats mafia Mentality
When he said he can’t breath and begging for his mom and there was another cop just standing near by with people recording saying things like “ He’s unresponsive” etc “let him breath” and the standing cop says his “his fine”
KNOWING that another “suspect” died from a similar situation. Don’t you think the cop or “cops” should have acted better seeing the situation was under control? There was more then one cop there and many people watching.
Why didnt his colleagues say or do something? Doesn’t that say something? There are good cops. I know this but.... THAT cop murdered that guy and the other cops didn’t do anything because you have to back up your colleague. Thats mafia Mentality
walabby · M
@hippyjoe1955 Here is a paste from another post-mortem...
George Floyd, the African-American man whose death has sparked civil unrest, died from asphyxia (lack of oxygen), a private post-mortem examination found.
He died due to compression on his neck and back by Minneapolis police officers, medical examiners hired by the Floyd family said.
The findings differ from an official preliminary autopsy carried out by the county medical examiner.
It did not find evidence of "traumatic asphyxia or strangulation".
"The cause of death in my opinion is asphyxia, due to compression to the neck - which can interfere with oxygen going to the brain - and compression to the back, which interferes with breathing," said Michael Baden, a former New York City medical examiner who was one of two doctors hired by Mr Floyd's family.
George Floyd, the African-American man whose death has sparked civil unrest, died from asphyxia (lack of oxygen), a private post-mortem examination found.
He died due to compression on his neck and back by Minneapolis police officers, medical examiners hired by the Floyd family said.
The findings differ from an official preliminary autopsy carried out by the county medical examiner.
It did not find evidence of "traumatic asphyxia or strangulation".
"The cause of death in my opinion is asphyxia, due to compression to the neck - which can interfere with oxygen going to the brain - and compression to the back, which interferes with breathing," said Michael Baden, a former New York City medical examiner who was one of two doctors hired by Mr Floyd's family.
Curiousguy833 · 31-35, M
@walabby........................... "The cause of death in my opinion is asphyxia, due to compression to the neck - which can interfere with oxygen going to the brain - and compression to the back, which interferes with breathing,"
Wow. I would have thought this statement speaks for its self but maybe am wrong lol.
Do you know the original police report submitted by the police for this incident? Before the videos etc came out? Was it right?... was it wrong based on the evidence? Why did they lie in the first place if they were right all along?
Wow. I would have thought this statement speaks for its self but maybe am wrong lol.
Do you know the original police report submitted by the police for this incident? Before the videos etc came out? Was it right?... was it wrong based on the evidence? Why did they lie in the first place if they were right all along?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Somehow it seems worse. To me a police Officer is invested with authority over citizens and some discretion on how its used. I see that as requiring a HIGHER standard of accountability for the use of that authority. In this case a degree above First Degree to represent the abuse of that authority and trust.
It seems the people agree, since there is apparently little or no trust out there any more...
It seems the people agree, since there is apparently little or no trust out there any more...
Crazychick · 36-40, F
Oh God, not this again.
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
Horrific - but then to loot, steel and injure innocent people, deface property which we'll have to pay for (yes - our tax dollars will be used to clean up the malarkey scrawled on building)....that honors this man's death? And I've been saying it all day - how will it change things? How will this violence change things? We decry lynchings and violence in the deep south, yet this mob action has the same characteristics in many ways.
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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Only if it can be proven that the cop intended to kill the man in a premeditated fashion. That's very difficult to prove in a court of law, so you rarely ever see a first-degree murder charge.
Piffypie · 26-30, F
@DunningKruger he was already handcuffed and detained laying on concrete with a knee digging in his neck, yeah he meant to kill em
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Piffypie Apparently, the prosecutor thought that was an argument that would not be able to win.
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
He killed him. I don’t know which legal term they will use.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
Yes that one did and sofar we just have the same from that antifascist and anarchist no real tribute to the poor man murdered...