4meAndyou · F
I like older men...who actually know what they are doing. 😊

I also sometimes get attracted to older women or men and dont think it is weird or anything wrong with it. I had some fun times with an older couples that i really enjoyed. So age is not problem as long as personality fits well.
ninjavu · 51-55, M
@SW-User You have described it well. We all have different tastes, and people should accept that.
like.. 60-70 years old?
kamikaze2891 · 31-35, M
@YukikoAmagi yes or younger maybe 40 50 it doesnt really matter
longhairedcougar · 51-55, F
It's alright boy.. Quite natural

Me too
Highskirt · 56-60, M
No it's quite horny .
Adamski24 · 41-45, M
No it's not wired I like younger women so its fine.
We like what we like
We like what we like
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exexec · 70-79, C
When my wife was in her 30's, she liked younger men, so you would have been a good match.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
People nowadays will judge you for breathing if they could.

@YMITheWayIM lol! So true...

It's the same with me!
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Are we that "weird" of a species? lol. I prefer older men.

kamikaze2891 · 31-35, M
@SW-User not weird unique 👌🍾🍾

@kamikaze2891 There ya go, that's better..😏💫✨
JessicaVl · F
[image/video deleted]
James1956 · 61-69, M
No more weird than women being attracted to older men
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GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
You need to bring your A game.
They know what they like
They know what they want
They won't tolerate a mediocre performance.
They know what they like
They know what they want
They won't tolerate a mediocre performance.

If you have to ask often then yes
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
It's a beautiful thing!