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What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street?

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SweetMae · 70-79, F
Where do I hide the body?
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Do you have any toilet paper?
You smell just like your mum
@HijabaDabbaDoo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I laugh because someone said this to me o.0
@SW-User wtf lmaoo. Are we talking a stranger? If so, how did you react😆
@HijabaDabbaDoo Club.....loud music...alcohol.... yeah, I got pulled away.
Your liver looks tasty
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
How much for your kid?
I am out of hand sanitizer
Your sheets smell just like you.
Achoo. My allergies and I are self-isolating.
in10RjFox · M
Pretending to be on the phone .. Don't worry darling.. I will be there in 5 minutes.. Your husband just passed by me.
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
So lickable
1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F
@CheshireCatalyst That would be creepy
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
@SW-User *puts my eyeball on your eyeball*
Success · 26-30, F
Allah Akbar!
Laughoften · M
Is that a banana in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F
@Laughoften shaking head.. LOL
Thatsright · 61-69, M
What do we need from the store besides eggs?
I'm just admiring the shape of your skull
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
Your hands would look great holding my melons 😮
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
@1petitegreeneyes I do! Keep in mind, I'm not saying aroused or attracted, I just think everyone is naturally inclined to be curious, given historical fixation on them as a symbol of virility.
1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F
@Moosepantspatty As the saying goes, everyone has their own perception...
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
@1petitegreeneyes very true, that's where the almost universal caveat comes in 😌 I do hope, for the sake of less cursed men everywhere, that I am at least partially correct.
goliathtree · 56-60, M
pull my finger.
Lilnonames · F
Stop look at them and yell MOM
1petitegreeneyes · 61-69, F

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