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duffy · 61-69, M
I'd probably be done in before I could dare myself to get someone else.

Holdontothefire · 26-30, M
I'd block my damn door and be alert for the smell of smoke...
Tainted · 31-35, M
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
No. I have my own moral code, independent of what the authorities allow.
Legal and moral are diff i mean idk why one hour could change that tbh
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
i’d kill as many as i could
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@poisonouscupcake I know a dude with pigs. I gotcher back.
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
@CountScrofula 😈🖤
If slavery were legal, would I buy a slave? No.
@Crazychick I don't offhand know of any terrorists I could kill in one hour.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@Mamapolo2016 But if you did, would you? Something tells me you wouldn't.
@Crazychick I didn't read this as having as wide a scope as you apparently did.

I read it as killing someone I personally thought was a waste of oxygen.

If I were in a situation where I was absolutely sure someone had committed a violent act and/or planned to conmit a future act, and the means to stop them was available, I'd stop them. At least, I think I would. "Absolutely sure" is an extremely narrow window.
kodiac · 22-25, M
I would but it wouldn't be murder ,it would be justice.
I highly doubt I could kill anyone... unless he was a pedo or an animal abuser. Then it's game on.
Tainted · 31-35, M
In my experience, women are just as capable @SW-User
@Tainted I dunno...I suppose I just hear more about males perpetrating the crimes.. as well as sexual assault.
Tainted · 31-35, M
Perhaps in the US @SW-User
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
Legal and moral are two different things. No!
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
@SevenTierCrazyCake 😱 🔫 🤨
@JavaJoe thats about the height of it yeah. Lol!
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
@SevenTierCrazyCake took me forever to find that gun emoji!
Piper · 61-69, F
No. There is no one I've ever entertained the thought of killing.
Piper · 61-69, F
@SW-User OH yeah, I can think of a couple people right off..that I'd like to splat in the face with a poop pie. 🤓
Err 🤢😷@Piper
Piper · 61-69, F
@SW-User Too harsh, you think? Those people hurt my father, in the last months of his life.
Yes. I have someone in mind
No. There is no one I want to kill.
The thought of this just gave me a spring in my step.
@BettyBeez fuckers. 😠
@SevenTierCrazyCake 😤 thundercunts
@BettyBeez yes, honey. Yes they are.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
Yes, I'd kill as many terrorists as I could in that time.
No, I don't have any targets.
It kinda is legal here 24/7 🤷‍♂️

No. I don't have the guts, not because I'm afraid of the government, I'm afraid of my own judgement on myself, and also because I don't wanna get my family in trouble
I'd want to, but I would probably get my ass killed trying, so I wouldn't do anything personally. I'd probably hire someone lol.
Tainted · 31-35, M
I can’t stop laughing @boklenholley7
@Tainted 🤣
No. Even if I wanted to, I can't even think of anyone I who would be worth killing.
It would be tempting with a certain handful of people
Yes... just to that one person
Tainted · 31-35, M
Do I know that person @SW-User
No. But I'd make them tnink I'd do it.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Every law has a loophole
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
There's no one I want to murder at the moment. There were times, though.
Paliglass · 41-45, F

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